Wines for a Happy Camper

Wine Time
By Nikki Myers

As I pack for a long-awaited camping trip next weekend, I can’t help but let my mind wander to my favorite part of the preparation: deciding which wines I’m going to bring. There’s simply so much to consider. What will we be cooking? How will the weather be? Will I be sharing with my significant other? This is overwhelming and delightful in much the same way that a crossword puzzle is. So many decisions to make, but with a great sense of pride when it all comes together as planned. Let’s talk out the process of choosing an in-TENTS-ly good camping menu.

Bubbles are so often reserved for classy dinners and fine occasions, but I’ll forever be advocating for them in less glamorous situations, such as being covered in dirt and soot as you try to start a campfire in the rain. A weekend away from it all is occasion enough if you ask me, and nothing transports me to a more serene mindset faster than the hearty POP of a caged cork. My current favorite is Montinore’s Vivacé ($20.99), a very subtly sweet blend of white grapes from Oregon. If I’m craving some color, I’ll opt for Val de Mer Brut Rosé ($20.99), which is rich in ripe strawberry notes and bright acidity. If you’re in the mood for an upgrade, you’ll never be disappointed in Gonet-Medeville’s Brut Champagne ($39.99). It drinks far above its price point, and is organic (in fact, all the bubblies listed here are organic)!

For pairing with dinner, I absolutely adore a Pinot Noir with a campfire meal. We eat a lot of fire-grilled mushrooms, veggies, and herb-filled dishes when cooking over an open flame, so the flavors are a match made in heaven. The warm earth and spice components of a great Pinot, often coupled with a hint of smokiness, elevate any dish with some grill marks on it. L’Umami ($19.99) is an old favorite out of Oregon for those who enjoy those earthier flavors, and it has a super quaint mushroom doodle on the label (which I understand doesn’t make the wine taste better but it really adds something, y’know?). If you’re feeling something French, Jessiaume Bourgogne Rouge ($24.99) absolutely over-delivers.

For the maddeningly hot, mid-day sips, I always have a crisp, chillable white on hand. For some clean and refreshing flavor and thirst-quenching acidity, I usually opt for Sauv Blanc or Picpoul. If citrus and tropicality are your jam, go for Ranga Ranga Sauvignon Blanc ($14.99) or Tablelands Sauv Blanc ($13.49). If you’re a real acidity and pucker lover, look no further than Domitia Picpoul ($15.99). The name “picpoul” literally means “lip-stinger”! All of these wines are also great alongside light summer fare, so you’ll be able to enjoy what’s left with dinner, too!

I’d love to hear YOUR favorites for a successful camping trip – shoot me an email at or pop in to Passion Vines for more options. Cheers!

Nikki serves as Event Leader and Educator at Passion Vines Wine & Spirit Company, which has provided her countless resources on her wine journey. She estimates that she knows approximately .001% of all there is to know about wine (most notably, the fact that there is an infinite amount of things to know about wine). Most nights, she can be found sipping quirky dry reds from obscure regions.
