Where’s the joy?

From the Editor

With mile-long to-do lists, tinsel in my hair and burnt Christmas cookies, it can be tough to remember that this time of year is actually meant to be joyous. December is notorious for overly busy schedules and a lot of pressure to create the perfect experiences for our loved ones, host a fabulous holiday party and decorate to impress. To make matters worse, with every click on social media, I’m seeing how beautifully decorated others’ homes are and the incredibly fun holiday experiences they are having. They make it look effortless! It’s enough to bring out the Grinch in me. But as my mom told me when I was a little girl, I am “Cindy Lou Who”. Thus, I must maintain my Christmas spirit. Here are some things that help me keep the joy in this joyous time of the year.

  1. Embracing simplicity

In a world often driven by big-ticket presents with fancy bows, it’s easy to lose sight of the simple pleasures. Make an effort to embrace the little things, whether it’s a cozy night by the fireplace or a homemade meal shared with loved ones. Sometimes, it’s the uncomplicated moments that create the most cherished memories.

  1. Prioritizing meaningful connections

There is nothing you can give that is more valuable than your time and attention. In the age of technology, a heartfelt conversation can be more valuable than any material gift. Put down the phone. Schedule quality time and relish the joy that comes from being present with loved ones.

  1. Mindful gift-giving

The tradition of gift-giving is a beautiful way to express love and appreciation, but it can also become a serious stressor. Consider adopting a more mindful approach. Focus on thoughtful, meaningful gifts that reflect the recipient’s personality or needs. Remember, it’s the sentiment behind the gift that truly matters, not the price tag.

  1. Setting realistic expectations

It’s hard to let go of unrealistic expectations and embrace imperfections. Whether it’s a slightly burnt batch of cookies or a tree that leans a little to the left, remember these quirks add character and warmth. Perfection is overrated; authenticity is what makes the season memorable.

  1. Practicing self-care

Take moments to recharge, whether it’s a quiet walk in nature, a few minutes of meditation, or enjoying a favorite book. Self-care frees us to be our best version of ourselves and maintain a positive mindset.

  1. Embracing gratitude

Gratitude has a remarkable ability to shift our focus from what may be lacking to appreciating the abundance in our lives. Share your gratitude with others, creating a ripple effect of positivity and joy.

  1. Accepting and acknowledging all feelings

For many people, the holidays trigger feelings of sadness and loneliness. It’s okay to feel the way you do or to miss a loved one who is no longer with us. The key is to feel the feeling and let it move through you. Attempting to mask a feeling or deny it will only exacerbate it. Our feelings are constantly changing, so when we feel bad, we know it is not going to be that way forever.

In my experience, joy doesn’t just happen. It is not passive; Rather, it is an intentional choice. Joy is not the destination but the journey. So, how does one bring joy to the world? We first find it and practice it ourselves. And like a stone in glassy water, it will create beautiful and inspirational ripples.

May the spirit of joy and togetherness illuminate your holiday.

Peace & Love,
