What Do You Value?

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Jeff’s Journal
By Jeff Whitaker

Who has your ear?  Whether it’s social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, Tik Tok, etc.), family, colleagues at work, friends, the media or politicians, so many forces speak into your life; some of them directly, many passively.  But make no mistake, they all shape what we believe and in turn decisions we make that impact our lives. So how do you filter these influences and still hold true to who you are and what you believe? 

It all comes down to what you value.  Whether you know it or not, we all have core values that shape us.  These values have been formed over time; some of them good, some maybe not so good.  These values dictate how we live both personally and professionally.  Or at least they should.  I’ve thought a lot about values lately because of so many people, companies and organizations trying to sway our values.  It’s more important than ever that we consciously know   and stand by our values.  We need to pass them on to our children and live them out personally and on the job.  So, how do you do that?  You share those values whenever the opportunity presents itself.  When it comes to your family, don’t pass up the opportunity to share stories, offer examples and model the values you want lived out by your children.  On the job, it’s much the same and if you are in a leadership role, it’s paramount that you speak values into your employees.

What values do you hold? Whatever they are, they have to become a part of your DNA, who you are.  But the question is, how do you do that in a way that is authentic, not hokey or corny and forced.  Here’s one idea. It’s been said that vision leaks. In other words, you can cast a vision, talk about your values and mission but if you don’t constantly beat the drum in an authentic way, it leaks. It vanishes, disappears. This is a constant thing.  So one idea you might try to reinforce the core values you’ve laid out is to look for teachable moments each day. Just like a parent who takes the opportunity of a child disobeying to teach or explain the right thing to do, on the job you as a leader in your area, your department, your team or company look for those teachable moments when something comes up to simply. Look for ways to simply say “You see that’s why one of our values is… or this is an example of us living out value number 4.”

Both personally and professionally, find stories to share that can reinforce your values.  People not only love stories, stories make the biggest impact.  But my takeaway for you today is this. Look around you each day for practical ways to not only gather up and store away examples of your core values being lived out but take time to share moments with those around you. Find ways you can apply those values each day.  And most importantly, don’t let outside forces negatively influence your values.  If these values are important to you, don’t be afraid to push back and live by your convictions.  At a time where values are being compromised, it’s critical that you and I stand firm in sharing and living out positive values that advance our culture, not erode it. 

Jeff Whitaker is a veteran broadcaster here in South Jersey..  He now draws on his experience and training to work with companies and individuals to develop effective storytelling, communications and leadership skills. Find free resources and ways Jeff can work with you at www.jeffwhitaker.com  
