Upper Township Group Unveils Train Station Sign

“Today is tomorrow’s history.” The The Historic Preservation Society of Upper Township is gathering artifacts as part of our new story-gathering project called “The Covid-19 Virus Year” 2020 in Upper Township. Even though we are no longer in the stay at home phase and businesses are reopening, the virus remains an impactful part of all of our lives and examples need to be archived for future reference.  HPSUT hopes to gather photos as well as written experience stories / journal entries as Covid-19 artifacts that capture the time we all were spending at home during these trying weeks.

A new informational sign has been installed at the Tuckahoe Train Station as part of a grant obtained by the HPSUT). Text and photos cover the early days of railroading in our portion of northern Cape May County and the pivotal role of the Tuckahoe Station.

The Station sign photos, including some that appeared in the book Upper Township and Its Ten Villages, were obtained / selected, and text developed, by Robert Holden and Barbara Horan, members of the HPSUT Board.

The support for the sign project was obtained from the New Jersey Historical Commission grant funding, administered by the Cape May County Culture and Heritage Commission.
