There’s no place like home

From the Editor

I’ve been doing quite a bit of domestic travel in recent months, exploring all that this beautiful country has to offer from sunsets and lobsters to sailboats and hiking trails. Regular travel is relatively new for Bob and me. We have faced circumstances that changed the course of our lives forever. With a new reverence for the phrase “life is short,” Bob and I have made an intentional effort to travel more, try new adventures, and spend as much quality time together as possible.

In the winter months, we love spending time in The Sunshine State, where we’ve spent lazy days on boats and beaches, eating fresh seafood and enjoying the warmth of the Florida sun.

We just returned from The Pine Tree State of Maine, where the population is just a little over 1.3 million (only 10% of New Jersey’s population), and smoothly contoured mountains pepper the coastlines with views that take your breath away. We hiked, ate, explored, and relaxed. The sun rises were spectacular, and the lobster was abundant.

The Bay State of Massachusetts offered us a slowed-down weekend in Martha’s Vineyard, where we sailed, explored, shopped, and swam along the coast, making memories we will keep for a lifetime.

As we look forward to our next trip to another state surrounded by water, I find myself incredibly thankful to call The Garden State home. Every time I return from a vacation, I find myself in awe that I return to a place where we live in perpetual vacation mode. Of course, work and responsibilities require our attention, so it’s not really vacationing all of the time, but how amazing is it that we have coastal waters to swim in right here in our backyard on any given weekend?

We have sailboats available to us with one phone call, fresh lobster cooked on demand at the dozens of highly regarded restaurants in our area, historic lighthouses waiting to be climbed, incredible small businesses to explore, breathtaking sunsets and sunrises to enjoy, and so much more.

South Jersey truly has it all. This place that so many of us are fortunate to call home is spectacular. Where else can you put your toes in the sand on your lunch break or take a parasailing adventure after work? Life is a vacation at the shore.

As you flip through the next 80 pages, slow down and read the stories about the amazing organizations and individuals doing great things in our community. Look for new restaurants, grand openings, happy hours, dinner specials, coupons, and everything else packed into this week’s publication.

As we look forward to another weekend, I encourage you to make it a staycation! After soccer practice on Saturday, do something you’d normally do on a trip to Florida or California. After church on Sunday, visit a new restaurant you haven’t explored yet or hike a trail in a park you’ve been meaning to visit. There is so much to be explored in South Jersey, and you will find it all in Shore Local Newsmagazine. Follow us on social media and tag us in your local fun.

Wishing you a healthy, happy, beautiful week. Thank you for reading this edition of Shore Local Newsmagazine.

Peace & Love,
