The Storm

The Storm

By Tammy Thornton

Gardeners endure many seasons throughout the years. We welcome the spring rains and enjoy the full sun of summer, hoping it’s brilliance won’t scorch our beloved plants. But every once in a while The Storm, the one you won’t forget, ravages your garden. It comes intent to destroy.  Delicate little flowers won’t make it, even old oaks will fall.  But most heartbreaking are those vibrant buds that were full of life, just about to bloom. Cut down in their prime, we mourn what could have been. We had seen the potential and were full of hope. And now our hopes are dashed. We water the ground with our tears and wonder how we will go forward.

Then the winter winds come, and it is cold and dark and lonely. Snow begins to fall, covering everything, and continues until the branches are weighed down. After the blizzard, there is quiet.  We take it all in and wonder.

In our grief, we peer out of the window dreaming of happier times when we felt the green grass beneath our feet. But now the garden gate is closed and all we see is black and white and stillness. It’s almost impossible to imagine our garden will ever be full of life, laughter, and vibrant colors again.

Gardeners know the deep snow covers us like a warm blanket, comforting us, protecting us from the harsh cold.

But beneath the ground, bulbs and the roots of spring are waiting.  Forgotten treasures buried deep, biding their time. We can’t see them and don’t believe it.

We must trust the Master Gardener. He has pruned and the cuts hurt. If we are honest, we would doubt and question. But we cling to the Vine, even as our questions go unanswered. And long as the winter may seem, we wait for spring.

Written in Memory of  Thomas R.Thornton II

Tammy Thornton is a mom of four, a substitute teacher, and a Sunday school teacher.  She is passionate about gardening and cooking, and loves the beach.


10 Responses

  1. Oh Tammy! Such wisdom and life experience in these words. How beautiful that u use gardening to illustrate your storm. It sounds like u are walking this road with God beside you comforting you. God allows suffering for Hos glory amen. I’m still praying for u. love u. Thank you for ur testimony

  2. This is incredible, Tammy. You, Tom, and the children are in my heart and prayers continually. <3

  3. Most beautifully written words that I think I’ve ever read Tammy. I love you and your family and my heart still hurts for you.?

  4. I woke up and prayed for you and Tom this morning. Beautiful writing. Our hearts ache for you.

  5. Oh Tammy! It is beautiful to see how God is in the midst of your pain. The parallels of gardening, life, and loss are so well pictured in your writing. Good for you for picking up your pen again! Your garden will bloom again even tho the storm is now a part of it.

  6. What inspiring thoughts, Tammy ! It’s incredible how you’ve kept your eyes on our Master Gardener and encourage others through your trials.

  7. Tammy, God has gifted you as a writer & as a mom. I pray that you will rise through the grief in time, & be able to help others through the winter. Praying for you, Tom, & the your children.

  8. How beautifully written. It reminds me of the song “The Rose” by Bette Midler. Tammy, I hope spring comes soon for you, that you can see the radiant colors of the blooming garden and smell the extraordinary scent of the flowers once again.