The need to become intentional 

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Jeff’s Journal
By Jeff Whitaker

I don’t know about you, but I’m finding it hard to believe we are on the verge of a new year once again. We have hit the point where daylight will get later and later. That is cause for excitement, in my opinion. I think there is something to the notion that the older you get, the faster time seems to go. However, we know that can’t literally be the case. So, what makes us think that time is going faster?

There’s nothing scientific about this, but I think it’s because we fill our days with jammed packed hours and pre-committed minutes. There is very little or next to no intentionality about how we carve out our time. Let’s face it, for most of us, someone else sets our agenda and determines how we spend our time each day, whether at work or otherwise (if we let them).

I always feel like it’s Monday. Then, the next time I turn around, it’s Monday again. As a kid, I thought Christmas Day would never come. Nowadays, it seems like Thanksgiving was yesterday, and summer ended just last week.

So, what’s my point? In 2023, we all need to take better control of our lives. I want to urge you to try some things which might make time slow down a bit. Personally, I’m learning (and have to remind myself often) that the best way to slow down this hectic pace is to live each day with intentionality. If I’m to make the most of each day, then I need to get better at planning, goal-setting and intentionally living. It’s kind of like taking a road trip. If I just got in the car and started driving without knowing where I wanted to end up, then I would probably just drive aimlessly around in circles.

As you and I welcome 2023, we must make a deliberate effort to live each day with intentionality. Live each day on purpose. Otherwise, one week will turn into the next and the next, and then life will pass us by. I suggest you consider incorporating a structured plan into your life. Plan out what you want to accomplish by this time next year, and then map out a day-by-day intentional plan to help you get there. It doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. It just has to work for you. Here’s to a productive and intentional 2023. Happy New Year!

Jeff Whitaker is a veteran broadcaster here in South Jersey. He now draws on his experience and training to work with companies and individuals to develop effective storytelling, communications and leadership skills. Find free resources and ways Jeff can work with you at
