The Importance Of Priorities

Jeff’s Journal
By Jeff Whitaker

How often do you question what really matters in life?  I was hit square in the face a while back as I drove by a pile of discarded trophies near my home.  I had to drive back and take a picture. I’m certain there are scores of stories behind each one of these symbols of accomplishment. There are no doubt years of practice, dedication, hard work and time that went into what it took to earn these trophies.  But for some reason (and I can only speculate) someone saw fit to toss them all by the curb for the garbage truck. 

Maybe the person who earned these trophies died.  Perhaps, the family is moving and just doesn’t have the space to display them or it could be that what it took to achieve these trophies is a painful reminder of time lost with loved ones or too high a price that was paid.  At any rate, they ended up piled at the curb, discarded. 

Personally, I’ve been reminded of what really matters during this last year.  My Mom passed away in 2020 and among other things, it meant going through decades of “things” saved.  There were piles and piles of greeting cards, newspaper clippings, pictures and the list goes on and on.  It was actually fun to go through the boxes filled with items that brought back memories of happy times. But it also caused me to reflect and  remember that through the years it’s not these items that really matter, it’s the people associated with these memories.

For you it might not be trophies, or pictures or any other “thing”.  But the key I’ve found is to concentrate on relationships.  Putting our investment in family, friends and others is where the lasting rewards are.  But I’m not the first one to realize this.

    This all reminds me of the words of Jesus.  He said not to lay up treasures here on earth where moth and rust will corrupt but lay up treasures in Heaven (or prioritize the things in life that have lasting value).  He said where your treasure is, that’s where your heart will be as well. 

Reflecting again on those trophies, whatever joy, sense of accomplishment or pride represented by these creations of medal and marble in the end amounted to nothing that has lasting value.

So the question we all should be asking is what impact are you and I making today that has lasting value and investment in what really matters?  Whatever story your life is telling, make sure it’s making a positive, lasting impact with the people you encounter every day.

Jeff Whitaker is a veteran broadcaster here in South Jersey..  He now draws on his experience and training to work with companies and individuals to develop effective storytelling, communications and leadership skills. Find free resources and ways Jeff can work with you at
