Sheriff Scheffler Promotes Three

On January 11, 2022, Sheriff Eric Scheffler promoted three officers to the rank of lieutenant and sergeant respectfully.  The Sheriff stated two of the three positions are needed to supervise the newly formed County Municipal Court Program.  Scheffler continued by saying the three officers promoted, Darren Aberman, Adam Erskine and Dave Nguyen, are more than qualified to hold their new titles.  Sheriff Scheffler is proud of their work ethic and has no doubt they will be great additions to his supervision staff. 

Sergeant Darren Aberman was promoted to the rank of lieutenant.  He was hired by the Sheriff’s Office in 2006 after serving four years with the Atlantic County Justice Facility.  During is tenure Lt. Aberman has served in Civil Courts & Transportation, Criminal Courts & Transportation, Fugitive Unit, IT Unit and the Explorer Program. For the past year Lt. Aberman was assigned to the Training Unit where he totally revamped how officers are trained.  His leadership in this area has proven invaluable to the office. He currently resides in Egg Harbor Twp with my wife Lisa and has one son who is currently studying at Rutgers College.

Sgt. Adam Erskine, Sheriff Scheffler, Lt. Aberman and Sgt. Nguyen. 

Officer Adam Erskine was promoted to the rank of sergeant and has been with the Atlantic County Sheriff’s Office for 20 years. Prior to being hired he spent eight years in the United States Marine Corps where he was a combat veteran during Operation Just Cause in Panama and Operation Desert Storm. NJ.  During his tenure at the Sheriff’s Office, he worked in the fugitive unit, as the School Resource Officer,  D.A.R.E Officer, the L.E.A.D Officer, and the Hooked on Fishing Not on Drugs Officer for the state.   He served as the President of the Atlantic County Juvenile Officers Association and sat on the board of the Atlantic County Youth Services Commission. Sergeant Erskine is a Mental Health and Developmental Disability De-escalation and Diversity trainer for Atlantic County. He is also a Master Resiliency Trainer and is currently working toward his Masters in Social Work at Stockton University with aspirations of working with veterans and law enforcement that suffer from PTS and addiction. He is married with two daughters and four grandchildren and currently resides in Hammonton,

Officer Dave Nguyen was hired by the office in 2005 and was the first  person of Vietnamese decent to hold the title of Sheriff’s Officer. He graduated from Gloucester Police Academy, Class #28 and from Stockton University with a BA degree in Business Management.  Sergeant Nguyen is a Court  Fingerprint expert and was certified by New Jersey State Police Forensic Unit.  During his tenure, Sergeant Nguyen has served in Atlantic City Civil Court and Mays Landing Criminal Courts and Transportation. He was also assigned to the FBI Task Force where he was tasked with locating and recovering run away juveniles. He currently resides in Egg Harbor Township with his wife Thuong Vu and son and daughter. 
