Senior Moments: Daze of Old

 By Charles P. Eberson

A Senior’s Observations,
Opinions and Rantings

I recently had John, a contractor over for an estimate to have some work done. John and I crossed paths over four decades ago. John, my wife and I began reminiscing together about the “good old days” which for us, was the 1970’s. That would put me in my 30’s.

We talked about the usual Margate haunts, such as Gables, Maloney’s and of course, Maynards to name a few. Then there was what I referred to as the “Route to Perdition” or the Longport Boulevard through a strip of Egg Harbor Township to Somers Point where we sampled the wares of Tony Marts and Bayshores. Somers Point closed at 2 a.m. The road back to Margate brought us to The Dunes in that strip of EHT where the refrain was “Dunes ‘til Dawn.” The Dunes in the early hours of the morning looked like a battlefield. Bodies were hanging out of open car doors, draped on hoods or just positioned in their seatswith their heads back and mouths agape. After a hard night of partying, one cure was a sub at the Margate Sub shop which was owned by my in-laws at the time and where I fell in love. The object of my love was cheese steak sub with lettuce, onions, tomatoes, and hot peppers. At times, I would consume a whole sub and an additional half. Oh, and I married my waitress who was impressed with my culinary prowess. We now share half of the sub.

Another cure was a “fish combo” from Lenny’s, Washington Avenue and the beach in Margate. This sandwich was the unlikely combination of a hot dog in a roll, with a fishcake aggressively smashed on top. Chopped onions, pepper hash, and mustard completed this delicacy. Instead of napkins, a shower and a beach towel would have been more appropriate. Another favorite site of defilement was Maloney’s on South Washington Ave. One could choose from the more gentrified, pub-like atmosphere of the Beef and Beer where a roast beef sandwich on a roll would not only have you repeatedly wiping your face but your forearms as well. Their establishment next door, which was affectionately known as the Animal House, had a low ceiling that kept the cigarette smoke and various other aromas just about at head level. It was shoulder to shoulder in the summer, music was blasting and if you didn’t walk out with eyes burning, beer stains, and sweat on your clothing, you just weren’t having a good time.

Still around today and with a lengthy resume is Maynard’s on Amherst Avenue in Margate. My wife and I along with some friends would gather there for drinks, burgers, billiards,and sand table shuffleboard.

One night, after we all had a few thirst quenchers, my wife wanted a burger and inquired to the culinary staff as to whether the burger was all beef. An all beefy bouncer came up, grabbed my wife firmly under the arm, and had her standing on her toes. I intervened in such a way that resulted in me walking to my apartment a couple of blocks away. Ahh, good times.

Of course, there was work the next day, sometimes. It often depended on whether there was surf or not. Often, sitting on a surfboard basking in the warm sun with the cool, salt water running down my face, was the best cure after a night of debauchery.

After we finished our reminiscing, sharing stories about “the good old days,” I realized even during those good times, the Vietnam war was raging, I had my draft card and was waiting for that letter in my mailbox, there were gas lines with odd and even days, racial unrest, the Cold War, etc.

I look around at the thirty-somethings now and wonder. It has been a time of Covid, lost jobs, quarantine, travel bans and the past war in Afghanistan but I see the bars shoulder to shoulder, concerts are packed and our beaches and boardwalk crowded. I hope they can look back at these times and think these were the “good old days.” 

Charles Eberson has been in the newspaper business for over 25 years.  He has worked as a writer, advertising executive, circulation manager and photographer. His photography can be viewed at
