Resources for Internet Safety

Moms Vibe
By Krystle J. Bailey

Internet usage and screen time are at an all-time high between virtual learning, kids being deprived of in-person connection with their friends, and parents who are just plain exhausted.

The World Wide Web can be a great place to hangout whether they are learning something new, checking out their favorite YouTube stars, or playing games with friends. As parents, we all know that the internet can be a dangerous place for adolescent browsing. While it would be ideal for us to be supervising our children at all times, that is not entirely realistic for most busy parents.

Check out these three innovative resources that can help parents keep a closer eye on their child’s internet usage.

Circle Home Plus from Disney

Circle Home Plus works with your home internet router to manage all devices connected to the router. From an app on your phone, you can manage screen time limits, set no-screen bedtimes, and view a detailed list of browsing histories on each device. Additionally, you can keep track of your children’s devices when they leave the house and grant them extra screen time through the app as a reward when chores or other responsibilities are completed.

Restrictions are completely customizable and Circle offers suggestions for young children and teens. Circle does require an additional membership. They offer 1-month, 3-month, and lifetime membership options. Visit www.MeetCircle.Com for more information.


If you do not want to spend your time combing through every website your family visits or want to give your children more autonomy, Bark might be for you. Bark was created by parents, for parents to offer an easier way to keep children safe online. Bark proactively monitors text messages, YouTube, emails, and 30+ social networks.

The Bark algorithm, created in collaboration with parents, child psychologists, digital media experts, law enforcement professionals, alerts parents when there is a perceived risk. Bark respects your child’s privacy by only alerting parents when there is a concern. The 24/7 monitoring service looks for activity that may indicate online predators, adult content, sexting, cyberbullying, drug use, suicidal thoughts, and more. Visit for more information and your free trial.

Gabb Wireless

Gabb Wireless cell phone for kids is a perfect introductory phone for pre-teens. Gabb offers everything a young child needs in a phone, without all the junk that they don’t. Many parents want to offer their children the ability to stay in touch via call and text but are not quite ready to hand them a smartphone with access to social platforms and open internet. Gabb is a solution for those parents.

Gabb’s mission is to provide age-appropriate tech solutions that keep them safe and connected while avoiding premature cell phone addiction and overuse. Gabb users can listen to music, take photos and video, take important files with them, and of course, call and text. Visit for more.

Of course, there are traditional parental controls available on every device as well as the tried and true over-the-shoulder supervision. More important than any app or device is the value of having conversations with our children about boundaries, respect, and open communication with us when it comes to internet safety. They are growing up in a different world than we did with dangers that were not available to us. It’s important that we continuously have open communication that encourages the safe use of the internet.

As parents, we are juggling so many different things, now more than ever. These resources are for parents who need an extra set of eyes and peace of mind for their children’s internet usage.

Let us know what resources you use to manage screen time and keep your children safe.

Krystle J Bailey. Multimedia journalist, Author, Poet
