Preventive Epidemic Protocol with Micro Nutrition

By Sam V. Jonuzi ND

In an effort to help the community I am putting this information out; convinced that micro nutrition protocols must be utilized to confine , protect, ameliorate and most importantly, prevent the COVID outbreak. Nutritional deficiency affects the immune response to infections. Utilizing micro nutrition and Bio-oxidative therapies against this pandemic virus is not rejection of conventional medicine, IT IS COMMON SENSE. Nutritional deficiencies affect the immune system’s response to infections. Vitamin C,  Vitamin D,  Magnesium and Zinc are essential to fight all viruses.

Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is an essential vitamin. Humans do not have the capacity to manufacture Vitamin C and therefore it must be supplied by the diet. It is well documented that Vitamin C is rapidly depleted during infections. Low levels of vitamin C are associated with respiratory tract infections. Therefore dealing with a serious respiratory disease like COVID we know that vitamin C is essential and capable of preventing the inflammatory “cytokine storms” associated with infections. It is also well documented that vitamin D, Magnesium and Zinc have a prominent role in immune system function as well. Vitamin D directly regulates the expression of up to 1250 genes that in turn can enhance immunity. Approximately 800 enzyme systems require Magnesium for optimal function as a co-factor in immune system response. Zinc deficiency rapidly diminishes antibody cell mediated responses and is linked to immune dysfunction. As we face epidemic diseases we must not limit the fight to drugs and vaccines when strong evidence exists to support the need for micro nutritional therapy. We need methods that work not fear, making the immune system weaker.

Vitamin C was first recorded by Jungerbuld in 1935 to be effective at eradicating the influenza virus and had a prominent role in containing and treating the outbreak of SARS in traditional medicine. Dr. Cheng, a member of the medical and scientific advisory board to the International Intravenous Vitamin C Council, announced from China clinical trials for prevention and treatment of Coronavirus with vitamin C. He has been approved and is successfully conducting three clinical trials with astounding results. The answer as to why China, the originator of the COVID pandemic and the most populated region of the world, has the Coronavirus under control is their use of a Vitamin C protocol on a national scale. There are a great number of scientists around the globe that recommend micro nutrition to boost immunity as the first line of defense. Logically, this should be the accepted treatment not only since there are no other promising options but for its safety and effectiveness.

My opinion is that micro nutritional cocktails could assure a shield against a viral outbreak.

Time is of the essence to prevent physical and economic death and destruction. We are in the midst of a viral pandemic and must not limit the fight to drugs and vaccines alone especially where strong evidence exists to support micro nutritional therapy having only positive effects.

The information in this article is designed to shed light and hope to everyone affected by the consequences of this global crisis. We can all have confidence in safe, natural methods that work not panic and fear.

Sam Jonuzi a Naturopathic Doctor and certified Integrative Health Practitioner is a leading authority in Alternative Healthcare, especially Clinical Nutrition, Nutritional IV Therapy and Weight Loss.  He has also been a member of the American Associates of Integrative Medicine since 2009 
