Pass the Torch: Five Ways to Celebrate the 2021 Olympics

By Sarah Fertsch

The summer games kick off on Friday, July 23rd, and now is the time to start planning how you and your crew will enjoy this unique time. Even though the Olympics will not be allowing in-person spectators, you can still have fun and join in on the festivities. Here are five ways to bring the Olympic spirit home:

Food Olympics

We all know that the Olympics are a worldwide competition between nations to be the best. Why should that be limited to athletic ability? Be your own participant and judge by making your own international food and deciding the best based on various categories: best dessert, spiciest, best soup, and easiest recipe. Cook arancini from Italy, oxtail stew from Jamaica, tamales from Mexico, fish and chips from England, ramen from Japan, or plantains from the Dominican Republic. Invite friends over, and let the feast begin!

Mini Olympic Games

Sweat with the stars, and coordinate games between families! Plan a 100 meter dash and see who is the fastest. Head to the local pool and practice the butterfly stroke. Can you do a cartwheel, or a flip? Set up a soccer game in the park. And don’t forget to include homemade medals! Who will be the Simone Biles of your neighborhood?

Play Fantasy Olympics

Before you watch the events, do a little research about athletes and countries that excel at specific sports. Between your friends or family, create fantasy Olympic teams (recruiting either specific athletes or countries), and as you watch the games, score your fantasy team. Whoever has the most gold wins the gold!

Embrace Japanese Culture

Be like the athletes, and immerse yourself in Tokyo life! Try to make homemade California rolls and snack on seaweed. Watch anime or listen to Japanese music. Write haiku poetry or sing karaoke! Pretend your hot tub is a hot spring and learn about geisha life. Use this year’s games to learn something new and try something different!

Create Olympic

Gather the kids, head to the craft store, and sit down to be creative. Use pipe cleaners to form the Olympic rings. Print out different flags to color. Use watercolor to paint swimmers. Learn to write in Japanese and practice using calligraphy, or watch a video on how to make origami. And use beads and cardboard and paint to make your own medals! The possibilities are endless!
