Outdoor Exercise – The New Normal

Shore Fit
By Bonnie Miller

We have heard this over and over since it began in March, we are living in unprecedented and uncertain times. We’ve also heard amid all the rules of the coronavirus outbreak, one consistent message, to keep moving!  Exercise, outdoors and indoors, helps maintain good physical and mental health during this stressful time. The COVID-19 situation is always evolving and no one knows for sure when things will be back to “normal”. When we get to the other side of this, we may have a new “normal.” For almost three months every area around the world has been under some sort of lock down. Businesses were forced to close, people were ordered to stay home, and parks and outdoor areas were closed. All of that was being done to slow down the spread of the virus and to “flatten the curve.” Approximately mid June, things started to ease up but we still have a lot of restrictions in place. We’ve already established how exercise is a great stress reliever and provides positive results both physically and mentally.  As we are living in very stressful times exercise is more important than ever. With many restrictions in place, it can be difficult to exercise, especially if you do not have space in your home. One restriction that will likely take a while to bring back is the use of indoor gym facilities. It seems as if it will be last on the list. As of now, gyms are allowed for personal training use only. Even when gyms are “allowed” to be open, the public may be hesitant to start going back. To each his own.  Exercise centers and gym facilities are typically very busy spaces, with an easy transfer of germs. Gyms are considered a real Petri dish. With restrictions being  lifted on outdoor areas, beaches and parks, exercising outdoors may become the new normal! Typically, yoga classes have always been held on the beach in the summer in our area. There is nothing more peaceful than listening to the waves crashing while practicing yoga and who can resist jumping in the ocean after a hot, sweaty exercise session? 

Outdoor areas also have several benefits to limiting the spread of Covid-19, when compared to indoor areas. Outdoor areas have a greater space for airflow and those nasty airborne virus particles have a quicker way to disperse when compared to an enclosed environment. Outdoor exercise areas typically allow for “social distancing” when compared to cramped indoor exercise environments. If you are in a large area such as a park or beach it’s easy to space everyone 6 feet apart. I particularly like the idea of body weight exercises and then no equipment is required.

Outdoor exercise areas deliver important UV light that can reduce and kill viruses. Wind also helps disperse virus particles. In our area we have parks and nature trails that provide many outdoor exercise opportunities, running, biking or walking. This is fantastic for us in our current season of summer and won’t be bad even come fall, but what will we do when it’s so cold that it’s not as appealing to workout outside? I guess, we have time to see how this progresses and unfolds. We can always fall back on our Zoom or You Tube workouts. As a personal trainer and class instructor, I find it much more valuable to be in person with my clients and students because of form. Form over everything. This is particularly tough when you are live streaming. I’m just not a fan of it. Then there is the whole social aspect of it. I love the people that I workout with or train. We bond and usually have a great time together. I look forward to being with them, it’s an extended family. 

Have you ever attended a pop-up workout? Pop up workout classes are becoming more and more popular these days, especially in the warmer months. We can totally take advantage of our warm weather months by popping into one of these types of classes. They are literally everywhere. Nothing like good old Google to find what you are looking for in your particular area. Pop up workouts started in New York City. Being a spin instructor, outdoor spin classes on the Hudson River are on my bucket list. I guess there is no time like the present, because I miss teaching my indoor cycling classes. Being on the water is also an ideal workout location with paddle boarding and kayaking so popular these days. They are great upper body and core workouts.

July happens to be the hottest month for us, so I would be very careful choosing what time of day to exercise. Exercising during the early hours of dawn or dusk when the sun is going down would be ideal. Make sure you are hydrated and take tiny sips of water throughout your workout. Heat exhaustion is nothing to play around with. I schedule my outdoor workouts early morning or later in the evening for this very reason. Just know your body and if you’re feeling ill, take a break and find shade. Do not push yourself because you will do more harm than good. Let’s just take this one day at a time and we will all get through this together. There is nothing more important than our health and wellness, so find what works for you and keep at it!

Bonnie Miller is certified fitness instructor at the Ocean City Aquatic and Fitness Center and the JCC in Margate. She is a mom of three and resides Somers Point.
