On Tour with Dean Randazzo

On Tour with Dean Randazzo

Revenge of the Turks

By Dean Randazzo

I wrote this story when I was in the 4th grade about 1980 enjoy, happy Thanksgiving!

In the year of 2000, the Turkey Army conquered the humans and put them on a big farm. The leader of the Turkey army was Harry. Harry was a mean Turkey he wanted to get revenge for all the years the humans slaved and killed them.

In the year 2001 Thanksgiving came for the Turkeys. They celebrated it on April 14th because in 2000 they over threw the Humans and it happened on this day.  The Turkeys had been preparing for this day all year.  They had the humans tied up and the Turks (for short) would feed them to make them fat for more meat!  It was a week before the Thanksgiving feast and the Turks had to decide which humans they would eat for the occasion.  The Turks couldn’t decide because they were all so fat!  So they had a surfing contest at the Margate pier in Margate N.J. Which is now called New Turkey.

The contest went like this: the best ten humans against Super Turkey the surf spud who also was Harry.  He was painted red green and brown for New Turkey flag.  He was a very fine surfer.  He could drop down the waves and come off the top getting both fins out and drop back in the tube while doing 720’s!  The top ten humans were good but I don’t know how good.  They looked like fat butter balls.

The day had come for the surfing contest called the Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving Day.  The waves were 8-15 foot clean down the line waves.  The people who beat the Turkey would not get eaten for Thanksgiving dinner.  The first and only heat went out in the water for a 30-minute heat.  They have been out there for 25 minutes now and it looked close.  Oh no!  Look at this wave coming in the Turkey has, he’s dropping down and the tube is coming over him and now he’s coming out and going towards the top.  He flew out of the wave flapping his wings and he’s coming back in , he made it!  The heat is over now and here are the results: Super Spud Harry came in 3rd place. That means seven humans will be eaten for Thanksgiving dinner!

The Turks chopped off the human’s heads and roasted them whole.  Gobble gobble!  The food, I heard was good. Maybe next year it will be my turn?

Dean Randazzo is a World Tour competitor  and East Coast Surfing Hall of Fame, New Jersey Surfing Hall of Fame, 3x Xgames and MVP Gold medalist



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