Old OC high school building was set to impress

A Look Back
By Fred Miller

This drawing of the new Ocean City High School was on the front page of the June 7, 1923, Ocean City Sentinel. The following information was under the picture: “Other cities may have larger, but none finer schools on the coast. The new structure will be modern for a superlative degree, and have accommodation for eight hundred pupils. An auditorium with a seating capacity for one thousand will be included, a swimming pool, large gymnasium with accommodation for 250 spectators, a public library, and a room especially designed and furnished for ex-service men. Biological, chemical, and physical laboratories, with lecture rooms. Structure will be of tapestry brick, ornamented with limestone, and absolutely fireproof.”

The new high school was ready for the grand opening in September 1924. The old high school at 825 Central Avenue was used as an intermediate school.
