Ms. New Jersey Senior America Seeks Contestants

To become a new contestant, you are required to be at least 60 years young – “The Age of Elegance.” You get to dress up like a princess awaiting her crown and entertain on a professional stage at Harrah’s Ballroom Theatre from 1-4pm in the first week of June! You  will be judged by six judges on the following:

A private interview with the judges before the pageant wearing business attire

Philosophy of Life



As a New Queen, you win a cash prize, but that’s not even the best part of being Queen!  You will reign all year long as Queen at  wonderful NJ State events, parades and Cameo Club events, including our four yearly meetings – and we do know how to have fun!

In October, you will compete once more – this time for the National Crown for Senior America,

with contestants from all over our country!  NJ Senior America has already had two National Queens and several runners up!

Go to

to download your application today!  You may submit it online, or download, print and mail it to our state director here: 

Mrs. Terry Meade, 108 Rainflower Lane, Princeton, NJ   08550

For more information email or call 609 908-216-8534  
