Linwood Gets Ghosting

Mom’s Vibe
By Marci Lutsky

It is impossible to drive around Linwood in the weeks leading up to Halloween and not see cardboard ghosts on front doors.  If you have been wondering what this phenomenon is all about, you are in luck to be reading.  It is called ghosting and it’s a tradition that started 17 years ago.  My kids look forward to each year!

Here is how it works.  If your kids find themselves with a ghost on the front door, look down because chances are you will also find a basket or bag of goodies nearby.  You will find an orange paper in the goodie basket with instructions on your next steps.  You will be directed to the “ghosting house” in Linwood and there you will pick up a new ghost and an instructional sheet by the front door.  Then make or buy a collection of Halloween goodies so you can ghost the next person.  We usually hit up the dollar store and get a mix of Halloween candy and toys to fill a bucket.  If the person you are ghosting has food allergies, fill up the bucket with fun non-food toys like pencils and stickers.  Here comes the fun part.  Sneak over to the house you have chosen to “ghost” and tape the ghost on the door.  Leave the goodies with a new flyer, ring or knock and run!

Besides trick or treating, my kids think ghosting is the best part of Halloween.  As soon as they begin seeing ghosts up in the neighborhood, they are always on the lookout when we get home to see if we have been ghosted.  They love trying to figure out who ghosted them and then deciding on who to ghost next.  This year they came up with an elaborate plan that involved me in a getaway car so they could ghost their friends without being caught.  Then the next day they love to go to school and try to find out if their friends know who ghosted them.

This year the ghosting organizer added a new component.  If your ghost has a green heart that means that it is has been recycled from the year before and you are supposed to add another heart for each year it is re-used.  We love this as it encourages people not be wasteful and take extra good care of their ghosts so that they can be recycled for the following Halloween. 

If you don’t live in Linwood and think your neighborhood would enjoy this, no worries!  I’ve seen plenty of other local communities with a similar ghosting tradition.  Start it up in your neighborhood and watch the joy and excitement it brings to the local kids.  I have to admit that as a parent, I love it too!  Happy ghosting and I wish you all a happy and safe Halloween!

Marci Lutsky is a local mom of eight year-old twins and can be reached at

Marci Lutsky is a food blogger at Vegging at the Shore, and can be reached at


One Response

  1. Enjoy Life brand is free from most allergens and is a brand that is readily available at local stores for those allergy kids like mine (who is allergic to many things including but not limited to Peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and fish.