Lessons from the Founding Fathers

Jeff’s Journal
By Jeff Whitaker

“When in the course of human events it becomes necessary . . .”  Most of us recognize that as the opening statement of the Declaration of Independence.  I’ve read it many times, but the word that stood out to me is the word, necessary. 

When Thomas Jefferson penned these words on behalf of our Founding Fathers he didn’t say, “it becomes an option or a good idea.”  Jefferson said there comes a time when it becomes necessary.  No doubt you’ve seen the stories behind the story of the men who risked everything they were, everything they owned, everyone they loved and held close over the principles and ideals they held sacred.  Because in their mind, it became necessary, they all made a choice to sign off on a document that would forever change the world. They weren’t guaranteed that it would work.  It could have all turned disastrous.  But they made a choice. The question is, why?

Some might look at the Founding Fathers and conclude it started with courage.  I don’t think so.  Before courage could kick in, there had to be conviction.  When you believe a choice you face is necessary, it’s more than likely born out of a deeply held conviction.  If that conviction is strong enough, the courage to follow through comes naturally.

245 years ago in a hot, humid, tension filled room in Philadelphia, 56 men made a choice that started a revolution that changed the world.  Our choices may not be as dramatic, but I would argue many of them are every bit as far reaching.

Each day we are faced with choices.  If we are honest with ourselves, many of those choices are necessary.  Choices for our families, our careers, our relationships and the direction of our lives. It’s no exaggeration to say that the choices we choose to make (or not make) impact those around us, the community and world we live in and generations to come through our children.  It’s been said that none of us are an island.  Each life impacts another.

So, how do you make choices that change the world?  The formula is fairly simple.




The question is, do we hold convictions that trigger the courage to make the necessary choices to change the world?  And it’s not just the BIG things, it’s the little things as well.  It’s my “conviction” that we are living in a time when we must have the courage to take a stand. Next week I’ll expound on my thoughts.  Until then, enjoy your Fourth and celebrate all that is good about this Republic we call home.  Happy Independence Day!

Jeff Whitaker is a veteran broadcaster here in South Jersey..  He now draws on his experience and training to work with companies and individuals to develop effective storytelling, communications and leadership skills. Find free resources and ways Jeff can work with you at jeffwhitaker.com
