Large Events Come Back With New Rules To Keep All Safe

By Holly Martin

I think it is safe to say we are getting back into the “normal” groove post COVID lockdowns. Large block parties, beerfests, concerts, and more have been a success so far this year. Some events are still held outside which offers more peace of mind for the COVID cautious. Recently, there have been announcements for events to be returning indoors like the Philadelphia Flower Show. With recent events in gun legislation and the ongoing COVID concerns, there is still some hesitation.

Now that it is summer, everyone is preparing or has already enjoyed some long missed events. Returning to events can be hard to navigate as the rules to attend change day by day. I noticed this the most with concerts and all the different concert venues. When attending a concert, check with the venue’s “know before you go” page. If you plan to bring anything with you, most of the larger venues in Philadelphia and Camden will require you to use a clear tote bag or a clear backpack. Clear bags are not a new concept, but it was never strictly enforced until now. There are a few exceptions like small clutches and diaper bags being allowed into the show, but drawstrings and normal backpacks are a thing of the past.

Though they may not be the most fashionable, every household should have some kind of clear bag if you plan to attend a major event this summer. They make everything from backpacks to fanny packs in clear plastic. Some have a colored tone to it, but I wouldn’t risk getting turned away at the venue. Our favorite sports teams sell clear bags and totes that adhere to their stadiums guidelines for proper bag size.

Don’t get stuck walking all the way back to your car. Every venue is different and has their own rules on what bags are acceptable to bring in. Some places will have lockers you can rent if you don’t want to return your prohibited items to the car.

Don’t let the new enforced rule get you down. Have a show tomorrow and can’t find a clear bag? Ditch carrying everything all together and just hold onto your wallet and sealed bottle of water. The atmosphere and excitement that events and shows give you hasn’t changed. The immediate rush of joy hits as you walk through the turnstile. The rules are there to keep everyone safe. So sit back, relax, and welcome back to the groove.

Holly Martin has been working in media since 2012. She has worked as a photographer and videographer throughout her high school and college career. Holly is a producer for WOND radio as well as fill in DJ for 103.7 WMGM Rocks. She loves being a concert photographer and working as event staff. She has worked as a reporter for Temple University’s Philadelphia Neighborhoods and submitted Editorials to the Philadelphia Inquirer. She has done multiple multimedia articles for Temple as well as Shore Local Newsmagazine. Her portfolio website is
