Kayaking on South Jersey’s Waterways

By Chelsea Clemens

Kayaking in South Jersey is a rewarding and exhilarating activity that can be enjoyed by anyone looking for a summer adventure. You’ll be sure to find some of the most beautiful and diverse landscapes and wildlife in the country. Imagine paddling along the river and spotting a bald eagle soaring overhead, or a heron fishing on the shore. Maybe you’ll even catch a glimpse of a turtle or a beaver as they swim by. Don’t be shy to wave at the friendly people who live along the river – they might have some interesting tales to tell you. Kayaking in South Jersey is not just a hobby – it’s a thrilling escapade!

Kayaking requires a certain level of skill, preparation, and awareness. Before you go kayaking, you need to get ready for the trip.  Here are some of the aspects of kayaking in South Jersey that you should be aware of before you embark on your journey.

You may face some of the challenges and risks that come with navigating a dynamic and complex waterway, such as currents, rapids, and obstacles. You will need to be alert, agile, and adaptable to overcome them: Sometimes you will have to bend down, paddle vigorously, or even carry your kayak to continue your route. It is a demanding but rewarding physical activity. Learn some basic skills and safety tips. You should know how to paddle, steer, balance, turn, stop, and exit your kayak. You should also consider changes and surprises in the weather conditions, like rainstorms, winds, or sun. You can take some lessons or watch videos online to improve your confidence and competence. Make sure to choose a suitable route and time for your trip. You should consider your skill level, the distance, the difficulty, and the conditions. You can find some information and recommendations online or from local experts.

Pack some essentials and extras. You need to be ready and equipped for any situation: You should bring sunscreen, a hat, a raincoat, and an extra set of clothes. Get a proper kayak and equipment. You should rent or buy a kayak that fits your size, weight, and preference. You should also get a paddle, a life jacket, a helmet, a whistle, and a dry bag. You can find some options and advice at a local outfitters or online. You should also bring water, snacks, a change of clothes, a first aid kit, a map, a compass, and a phone.
