It depends where you’re from. Folks from Philly and Boston call them Jimmies, everyone else calls them Sprinkles. Why do us locals call them Jimmies? A bit of research uncovered the Bethlehem PA company that claims it invented the topping back in the 1930s. Just Born, the company known for Peeps. The tale goes that the confection (chocolate only back then) was named after the employee who worked the machine, Jimmy Bartholomew.

First off, it’s useful to know that the term “sprinkles” has been around a lot longer than “jimmies.” Sprinkles have been around since the late 18th century, while jimmies were the new kids on the block in the 1930s. The Just Born company used the term “jimmies” in a 1930 newspaper ad featuring a sponge cake “with creamy butter frosting and chocolate jimmies.” Either way, these colorful rainbow sugar clumps of joy are loved by all.
