Jewish Family Service Committed to Assisting Atlantic County Residents Get COVID-19 Vaccination

Margate, NJ (April 13, 2021) – Jewish Family Service of Atlantic & Cape May Counties (JFS), in conjunction with The Rothenberg Center for Family Life, the agency’s wellness component, has been diligently working to fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and stop the spread. From helping people navigate the online portals to providing transportation to various vaccination sites, JFS continues to be on the front lines in the fight against this disease.

“In our lifetime, we’ve never experienced a pandemic of this magnitude nor the vaccination process. At JFS, we are committed to helping individuals in our region get educated and scheduled to garner a vaccination,” said Andrea Steinberg, JFS Chief Executive Officer. “Our staff and volunteers are dedicated to making every request possible come to fruition.”

With vaccinations available in Atlantic County beginning in January, JFS quickly mobilized to offer informational flyers and hosted Q&A sessions with a licensed nurse to begin education. To date, more than 1,500 people have received critical vaccination education. 

By late February, 100% of Village by the Shore and local Holocaust Survivors, who wanted to receive a vaccination, have been vaccinated, including our most senior client of 99 years of age. Currently, JFS staff and volunteers are providing assistance to get those eligible scheduled for a vaccination. 

In addition, more than 100 homeless or previously homeless individuals have been fully vaccinated by medical professionals at JFS’ Atlantic City offices. “Eight years ago, I was homeless and without JFS, I don’t know where I would be. With COPD and asthma, I was at-risk of getting COVID by being around my child or anyone else, so it just made sense to get vaccinated,” said Bonnie G. of Pleasantville.

For more information regarding COVID vaccinations, contact The Rothenberg Center for Family Life Supervisor Sharon Simon at 609.822.1108 x152 or For information on JFS programs and services, visit 
