Honoring the Workers That Served Us This Season

From the Editor

Labor Day Weekend is bittersweet at the Jersey Shore. It is the conclusion of our busiest and most fruitful season. There is no doubt that the Summer of 2020 was one of a kind. However, visitors still flocked and enjoyed all that the Jersey Shore offers.  The hard work and dedication of laborers including lifeguards, merchants, cooks, servers and hospitality staff, police and first responders, and public works employees kept everyone safe and comfortable this summer. Given the extraordinary circumstances and challenges we faced this year, that is something to be proud of!

Hardship often inspires new opportunities. Out of necessity, many found new and innovative ways to get the job done. Some were so effective that we thought to ourselves “Why didn’t we think of that earlier?” The pandemic was a game changer for American laborers across all industries. On this day that we pay tribute to workers, we cannot forget those on the front lines of the virus, our medical and essential workers! While Bob and I hunkered down at home, like many on our computers, essential workers showed up every single day even, when the curve was far from flat. Doctors, nurses and all medical personnel that came face to face with Covid-19, caring for those in need. They revealed their courage and commitment. We owe them our gratitude.

Labor Day  pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of American workers. It was created by the labor movement in the late 19th century and became a federal holiday in 1894. It’s exciting to learn that an Ocean City resident played a key role in making Labor Day the national holiday it is. Read more in Fred Miller’s column on page 21.

As many head back to the classroom this year,  teachers and students, alike, face huge challenges. I can only imagine the stress that comes along with that. Moms, please check out columnist, Krystle J Bailey’s words of encouragement in Mom’s Vibe on page 30.

This week, we took a few steps closer to our “old” way of life, with the opening of gyms, movie theaters and the much anticipated indoor dining. These all come with masks and many regulations, but still, they are open! Our locally owned businesses have been hit hard over the last six months, so please join us in supporting them, every chance you get. As a locally owned business, Bob and I know, it means everything!  We are so thankful for our advertisers who continue to support Shore Local. As you page through this issue, please give them a look. Many are the staples in our community, some through generations.

September is often called “Local’s summer.”

It’s the time when those of us who work nonstop all summer, can finally enjoy the weather and beauty of the Shore. The air and water are warm, the crowds are lighter and the parking is easy. September is our month to enjoy!

As always, moving beyond Labor Day Weekend, Shore Local will publish every two weeks, with some added “bonus issues” for the holidays. We also share community news and events daily online at shorelocalnews.com. Connect with us on social media: Facebook.com/shorelocalnewsmagazine and Instagram @shore_local

Twitter @shorelocalnews

Shore Local Live airs Friday evenings at 7pm on WOND NewsTalk1400. It is where the Newsmagazine comes to life, with interviews from the people in our community that are making an impact. Also weekend updates on what’s happening with a special emphasis on our local performers. Hosted by Marc Berman and myself, give us a listen on Fridays at 7pm on 1400 AM or 92.5 FM or go to wondradio.com and click listen live!

Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy and safe Labor Day Weekend!

Peace & Love,
