Honor Our Heroes by Sharing Your Memorial Day Weekend Events

Memorial Day is upon us.

While the holiday is the official start of the summer season, it has a much more important meaning, which often gets lost in the rush to hit the beach, get the boat in the water, or plan the perfect barbecue.

It is the day that we officially honor the men and women of our military who died to keep us free. 

Veterans, Scouting troops, and patriotic citizens will deploy to memorial parks and cemeteries throughout the area to bow their heads in prayer and express gratitude to the fallen. The air will crackle with the sound of gun salutes. The Red, White and Blue will be out in full force, on front porches and parade floats. Feelings of national pride will overflow. 

At Shore Local News we want to make sure you don’t miss the Memorial Day events and ceremonies that are most important to you. That’s why we’re asking readers to help get the word out about patriotic Memorial Day Weekend happenings. 

Choosing where to go will be hard. You can only be at one place at a time. The least we can do is help you avoid missing out for not knowing what’s happening nearby.

This is where we can work together. 

If you are involved in a local Memorial Day event, you can help get the word out by sending us an email. Make sure it has the name of the event, the time, the date, the presenting organization, a sentence of description, location and the contact info if available. Email it by May 17 to shorelocalevents@gmail.com with the subject line “Memorial Day Event” and we will include it in our Memorial Day events list. 

If you already have a Facebook event posted, or know of one, tag @shorelocalnews and we’re in the loop. Either way, you will be doing your part to make sure the true meaning of Memorial Day is put at the head of the line where it belongs.
