
By Jeff Whitaker
I can’t think of another time of year that invokes so much emotion for so many people.  We hear it on the radio all season long, “It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year.”
But is it?  For many the answer is yes and others not so much.  So many emotions run both ways.
It’s the time of year we typically associate with family, friends, faith and making memories.  But if those associations aren’t positive ones, the truth is Christmas can be a tough time.  So, as I share my thoughts with you, I’m sensitive to the fact that not everyone shares my perspective on things.
Having said that, I choose to look at all the goodwill that comes from this time of year.  People tend to be more charitable, patient, and kind.  There is a certain redemptive spirit in the air.  As the nights get longer and daylight dims more quickly, the polar opposite seems to happen in the spirits of those of us who celebrate the season.
My all time favorite Christmas movie and in fact my favorite movie period, It’s a Wonderful Life perfectly portrays the redemptive quality and worth in all of us.  In the life of the movie’s main character George Bailey, we see the “big picture” and the pieces of his life-puzzle come together in a way that shows the impact and difference he had in the lives of those around him.  We would be wise to draw the parallels in Bailey’s life to each of ours.  There is a line in the movie where an angel, Clarance tells George that each of our lives touch so many others and then even as George lamented his lot in life, the angel reminds him that he really did have a wonderful life.  Now, I know it’s only a movie.  But in it, there are powerful lessons that we can all take away.
As a person of faith, for me, the Christmas season is most importantly a reminder of redemption and hope for mankind.  It’s the story of an event two thousand years ago that would forever change history.  I believe, it’s in that gift, given in a manager that we find real encouragement to press on.
If there is one gift I could pass on to each of you who read my column each issue, it would be the realization that you have worth and your life counts no matter where you find yourself this time of year. I’ve tried to pass that thought on to you in my writings.
As you reflect on your own life and where you find yourself at years end, know that you can make a difference in someone else’s life.  Merry Christmas!