Habitat for Humanity Builds for the Future

Going Places with Dina Guzzardo

Habitat for Humanity is an international nonprofit organization which aims to help families from less economically developed backgrounds build their own homes. The future homeowners and a team of volunteers spend time creating a stable environment to live with an affordable mortgage. Globally, the organization has been doing their amazing work since 1976 and the Atlantic County division has so far built an astonishing 40 homes, repaired 38, and diverted an incredible 692709.12 lbs of building materials through their program. They are an organization that truly has made a long-lasting impact on the people of Atlantic County, and they are only halfway to their target.

The overall goal of Habitat for Humanity Atlantic County, Inc. is to eliminate poverty or substandard housing within the community. Each recipient family is carefully selected to achieve their goal of obtaining decent, affordable housing. It is important to note, the homeownership program is not a “give-away.” This is likely what makes the organization so successful. Each adult is expected to give back to the community before they receive their own home by volunteering 250 hours of “sweat equity”. This involves volunteering their time for various community projects including in churches, hospitals, or even helping to build another family’s home. So, not only does this organization provide stable housing for families who need it, they also produce a platform for people to learn various construction skills and build a support network of people in similar situations to show them they are not alone.

The houses are built with three principles in mind. First, they must be decent, in other words, large enough for the family’s needs, but small enough to keep construction and maintenance costs down. The need to be affordable which is achieved by harnessing volunteers, efficient building methods, modest house sizes, and no-profit loans. Finally, it is imperative these houses be of high quality. Materials for the projects are locally sourced, with the homes reflecting the local climate and culture. There is also a strong focus on accessibility, as they install wheelchair/handicap ramps for qualified recipients which allows residents to safely live in their homes.

Their ReStore retail store is a great place to find excellent deals on all kinds of refurbished or upcycled goods. Located at 6825 Tilton Road in Egg Harbor Township, here, they sell new and gently used building materials and household items at a fraction of the retail cost. If you are planning on making some home improvements, I highly recommend checking the ReStore out for some steals, and they even have frequent sales on many of their items. To keep up to date with their offers and for more information, you can check them out on Facebook (Habitat for Humanity Atlantic County ReStore).

To volunteer, you do not need to be a potential housing recipient, and the organization is always looking for wide-eyed volunteers to help with their projects. There are several ways you can volunteer: as an individual, part of a larger group, at specific events, or at a ReStore shop where you can assist with DIY projects, furniture repair and refurbishment, or as a cashier. Whatever your skillset, there is a space for you with the Habitat for Humanity team. For more information visit https://www.achabitat.org/volunteer/. The organization is also open to donations which can be as big or small as you want. Something striking about this organization is their emphasis on the community – none of this amazing work could be achieved without the entire community coming together to make it happen. To donate, please visit https://www.achabitat.org/support/.

Finally, if you are someone who may benefit from their work, you are invited to apply. There are various criteria you need to meet, including being able to make the low-cost mortgage payments, committing to love and stay in the same house for 15-30 years, and maintaining the home. However, these are easy criteria to meet for such a large reward, and Habitat for Humanity is there to support you throughout the entire process. For more information and to see if you qualify, please go to their website: https://www.achabitat.org/services/home-ownership/.

Habitat for Humanity is a shining example of an organization making a positive impact on our community, and the fact they are only halfway to achieving what they set out to do, makes this organization one who will be positively impacting our community for many years to come.

Dina Guzzardo is the President  and Executive  Promoter of Dina Media Group LLC. Dina Media Group is an innovative cutting edge event production and marketing company that produces and promotes large events as well as a talent agency that manages some incredible talent.www.dinamediagroup.com
