Graduating in Quarantine: The Class of 2020

How does one even begin to write a letter of encouragement to a group of people that have had their senior year turned inside out and upside down in ways that were unimaginable just six months ago. No one could have anticipated witnessing the entire world practically shutting down in just a matter of days. One minute you’re on spring break and the next you’re being told to “stay at home,” and “socially distance yourself” from your classmates, friends and neighbors. Next, you learn that you won’t be going back to school but instead you will finish your senior year via online instruction. Spring sports are cancelled. Social events are cancelled or postponed. Graduation ceremonies are up in the air higher than mortar boards thrown by an exuberant senior. What a roller coaster you have been forced to ride. But ride it out you have. You have carried on and you have persevered. You have made it to the end of your senior year even during these unprecedented times. Oh, the stories you will have to share with your future children as they prepare for their senior year. Use this experience to help you navigate the roller coasters of life that are yet to come. When you are blindsided by life events, look back on these days and remember that even the worst situations are usually temporary and that they too will pass. Have courage and press on, just as you have done the last two months. Remember you are a part of a special group of people. You are the Class of 2020 and you are make us proud! Congratulations to each of you.
