Focus on the Farm: Sahl’s Father Son Farm

By Tammy Thornton

Summer in South Jersey can be summed up in three great words: beach, boardwalk, and berries. Sahl’s Father Son Farm in Galloway Township has you covered in the berry department.  This year, Sahl’s became a member of Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA). CSA connects farmers with consumers through memberships or “shares”, that allow the members to receive a certain amount of produce through the growing season.  According to, “for over 25 years, CSA has become a popular way for consumers to buy local, seasonal fruit food directly from the farmer.”  Members have the advantage of “knowing” the farm and farmer and getting select produce, often having the option of picking it themselves.  Farmers benefit by focusing their marketing during the off-season instead of the taking away from their time during the busy planting and harvesting months.  In addition, it gives the farmer an early payment to help with cash flow to provide funds for preseason farming necessities. 

Though this is the beginning of their participation in CSA, the farm has been in the Sahl family since 1867. Currently, sixth generation farmers Jeremy Sahl and his wife Melodie run the 100 acre farm. Their children help dad in the garden while Melodie runs the office management side of things.  Jeremy’s “great-granddad and granddad” were the first to incorporate the farm and establish the “Father Son Farm” brand that supplied local grocery stores as well as their own road-side stands. Though Jeremy’s dad did work the farm—including tractor work, planting, and harvesting—he could not focus on the farm as a business since his calling was as a pastor for 40 years. Both Jeremy’s dad and uncle were full-time pastors during that time.  Jeremy, however, had farming in his blood and always enjoyed helping at the farm.  In 2009, he and his wife began reviving the business. This is their fourth year offering strawberries.  In the next few weeks, blackberries will be available for picking, followed by sunflowers in August.  Last fall, the farm planted blueberries which should have a small harvest ready in 2021, and a larger harvest in 2022.

Sahl’s Father Son Farm does have a small stand for the public, but their focus is their Berries and Blooms memberships. These CSA members can enjoy their share of strawberries, blackberries, and sunflowers. Though members receive top priority and quality, as produce becomes available and plentiful, the general public is also invited to pick berries and flowers. In the fall, pumpkins will be available for both members and the public. 

While you are picking your berries, you can hear the goats and chickens on the farm. Normally, the Sahl’s family farm offers lots of activities for children and their families.  In the past, families have enjoyed events such as pig races, rubber duckie water races, and pony rides.  In the fall, in addition to pumpkin picking, visitors have enjoyed hay rides and finding their way through the themed corn maze.  Every year Sahl’s cuts the maze into a fun theme.  Last year honored the 50th anniversary of the moonwalk with the “One Small Step and One Giant Leap” maze.  Past themes have been the “Philly Special” in honor of the Philadelphia Eagles, and a Lucy the Elephant tribute.  Of course, this year is no ordinary year.  Sahl’s Father Son Farm is taking every precaution to keep its customers and staff safe.  They have been doing their best to follow procedures that the state government has issued. Customers picking produce in the garden must wear masks.

In addition to the upcoming blackberry season in a few weeks, Sahl’s Father Son Farm is looking forward to a bountiful harvest of sunflowers in August and September.  An entire acre of sunflowers of various colors have been planted, as well as an additional acre of the familiar yellow sunflowers. If you would like more information about seasonal offerings or joining the Berries and Blooms CSA, go to their website: or leave a message at (609) 965-9300.  Often, the latest information can be found on Facebook at fathersonfarm.

Tammy Thornton is a mom of four, a substitute teacher, and a Sunday school teacher.  She resides in Linwood and is passionate about gardening and cooking, and loves the beach.
