Finding Comfort This Fall

Letter from the editor 

As we settle into our fall routines and the holidays are approaching, I have a renewed gratitude for all that reliably remains unchanged—mums and pumpkins dotting the roadside, along with the beautiful colors emerging in the leaves. Halloween offers us all some much needed fun. Whether it is decorating or carving a pumpkin, watching a scary movie or getting dressed up in costume, the upcoming holiday should stir up a little joy.

Last week, I drove by a house that was all lit up with a huge array of Halloween decorations. It made me smile so I stopped to grab a few photos to share. When I posted it on Shore Local’s Facebook page, I was stunned by the tremendous response it got. It seemed to have offered a much needed break from all the Covid-19 and political news we are continually bombarded with.

I hope you enjoy this issue. It’s packed with columns and features. Read about the season’s events, from farms to spooky haunts to where your favorite local bands are performing.

Peace & Love,


2 Responses

  1. Your cover photo of the happy puppy in a park is very nice. Where was this shot taken?