Eight EHTHS Graduates to Wear Color-Coded Military Branch Honor Cords at Commencement

Mixed among Egg Harbor Township High School’s 633 graduates tomorrow will be eight military-bound students who will be wearing distinguishing color-coded honor cords — each representing the military branch they will be joining – in addition to their traditional caps and gowns.

Red cords represent the Marines, green cords represent the Army and Army National Guard, navy cords represent the Navy, and royal blue cords represent the Air Force.

Following is a list of the graduates and the military branch in which they are enlisted: Nickolas Fuentes (Air Force), Nicholas Haines (Army), Emmanuel Garcia and Joely Ordonez (Army National Guard), Dylan Davis and Kevin J. Ortiz Gonzalez (Marines), and Donald Chishko III and Tyler Reynolds (Navy).

The Military Honor Cord program is led annually by EHTHS Guidance Counselor Jennifer Leonetti, who also acts as the high school’s military coordinator. She maintains contact with local military recruiters throughout the year and is responsible for scheduling the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test, a timed, multi-aptitude exam developed by the Department of Defense for students interested in joining the military.

“It is important for our students to be recognized and congratulated for their preparation both mentally and physically, as they embark on their future careers in our Armed Services,” said Leonetti.

“The cords are a way for our high school graduates, who have committed to the military, to receive the honor they deserve,” said Kim Dempsey, high school media clerk. “These young men and women have made a decision to align themselves in future careers that could potentially put them in harm’s way to secure our freedoms and our way of life. EHTHS recognizes that service to our country is not a decision to be taken lightly and should be celebrated.”

For the past five years, Dempsey has coordinated the school’s “Power of Pride” program, which encompasses all things military at the high school. Through Power of Pride, Dempsey hosts a veteran’s breakfast, collects donations to send care packages to local military members overseas during the holidays, and helps to coordinate the Veterans Wall of Pride located at EHTHS, that recognizes graduates and staff who have served in the military.


One Response

  1. Thanks to each and everyone of you, who have chosen to protect and serve our Nation. May God keep you all safe.