Choosing a Good Funeral Home, part 5

By Andrew Hoffman

Another thing that you as the consumer should do to help them pick the best funeral home is don’t do all your shopping over the phone.  It’s not uncommon for people to “call around” to many funeral firms asking for price quotes for specific services.  But a funeral is a serious, important event, and sometimes price isn’t the most important consideration.  Do your shopping in person as well.  You should want to inspect the facility and meet the people who will be making the arrangements for your loved one.  When you visit a funeral firm in person, and meet the staff face to face, you feel be more comfortable in your decision.

When you inspect the funeral home, see if it is well maintained.  Do the floors need new carpeting, or the walls need new paint?  Is the seating padded and comfortable?  Is it well heated or air conditioned?  How is the parking? Is the funeral director presentable?  Is he/she friendly, open to questions and knowledgeable in his/her field?  Is the office staff kind, friendly and courteous?  If the support staff is present, are they helpful? Remember you are paying for service. If you don’t feel completely comfortable in choosing that funeral home, then that is a big indicator that you should look at other firms.

The next item that separates a good funeral home and a great one is in the details.  At my firm (which is a Life Celebration Firm) we believe that a funeral should be as unique as the individual.  If the funeral firm handles the details well and is tuned in to the family then the funeral director should offer ways to tell the story of the life that has been lived by creating memory tables, tribute videos, commemorative items, collages, involving the family in the service with personal eulogies, photo memorial folders, and more.  Personalizing the service makes the event more satisfying and memorable for everyone. If a funeral firm is known for this, then I feel it is safe barometer that this funeral home is not good but great at serving their families!

Andrew B. Hoffman is a funeral director at Jeffries and Keates and Keates-Plum Funeral Homes.  He is a twenty-two year veteran of the funeral industry.
