Bio-Oxidation and How It Can Help You

By Dr. Sam Jonuzi

Oxygen is the most important nutrient to human life. Without oxygen, there is no life, with oxygen there is an abundance of life. Oxygen is the difference between earth and every other planet in the universe. Earth is alive and all other planets are dead because of oxygen.

The quality of life depends on oxygen.  Today, in the most ideal location on the planet, oxygen levels can reach 20% at best, but in most cities’ oxygen levels are much lower.  Severely polluted cities oxygen levels could drop below 10% causing rampant physical and mental disease, deterioration and decline. We can live for weeks without food, days without water, but only a few minutes without oxygen.

Dr. Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize for Medicine and Science in both 1931 and 1950. In 1931 he proved a cause of cancer is the lack of oxygen at the cellular level. There are many stages of various symptoms a person goes through over a 20 to 30 year period before cancer is diagnosed. Most of these symptoms are connected to oxygen deficiency. In effect, all diseases are rooted in an oxygen deficiency.

Who are the healthiest people on the planet? They are gold medal winning athletes, mountain climbers, people like Lance Armstrong who overcame cancer and won the Tour De France seven times. This is one of the most grueling athletic events ever imagined. What do these super healthy people have in common? Their cells are saturated with oxygen! 

Who are the sickest people on our planet? Those lingering in cancer wards and hospitals.  What do all these sick people have in common? They are all without exception, Hypoxia. What does this mean? They are deficient in oxygen at the cellular level. Those who are totally hypoxia we find in our cemeteries. The difference between life and death is oxygen. Oxygen levels equate with our state of health. Oxygen is nature’s great cleanser, purifier and detoxifier.

Ozone is basically super oxygen containing an extra molecule of oxygen. It is this extra electron that makes it such powerful medicine. Ozone is a germicidal, antiviral, antibiotic, anti parasite, antibacterial, anti-pathogen, anti-fungal, and anti-cancer. It is more effective with zero downside effects than the pharmaceutical industry’s most powerful drugs. Ozone is not patentable. Do you think the medical/drug industry wants you to know about ozone and oxidation therapies? Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy compresses oxygen into every cell of your body in a pressurized chamber. Oxygen in your red blood cells is increased up to ten times that of normal. The blood then carries the oxygen to the brain and every cell of your body that is deficient in oxygen. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has reversed symptoms of strokes, brain trauma and brain injury. It speeds the body’s healing process and is used to heal wounds, and for recovery after surgery. It also combats chronic fatigue and all types of vital conditions. All oxidative therapies are effective; each oxidation modality introduces oxygen into the body differently.

According to “Mr. Oxygen”, Ed McCabe, one of the nations’s leading authorities on oxygen and author of “Flood your body with oxygen”, direct I.V Ozone is the fastest way to flood your cells with oxygen. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the best way to get oxygen into the brain and different tissues to get to fight infection, relieve pain, prevent strokes, and repair after surgery:

Ozone rectal insufflation is an effective way to infuse ozone into the blood stream, colon, and liver. It is ideal for killing worms, parasites, fungal conditions and yeast Candida.

Ozone vaginal insufflation is excellent for bladder, kidney, and vaginal infections. Candida and other such conditions.

Ozone super bath pulls toxins, environmental pollutions out of the skin and infuses the ozone, as it relaxes the nerves, muscles, joints, and purifies the skin in a stainless-steel whirlpool.

Ionic foot detox bath pulls toxins out of the body electronically and then infuses ozone into the body by the way of the acupuncture points of the feet.

Ozone infused far infrared sauna is the most effective detoxifier, cleanser, and purifier discovered to date. It pulls toxins out, burns fat, and infuses ozone through the skin in to the blood stream.

I.V. Medical Grade Hydrogen Peroxide Drip is a magnificent immune system enhancer.

Sam Jonuzi a Naturopathic Doctor and certified Integrative Health Practitioner is a leading authority in Alternative Healthcare, especially Clinical Nutrition, Nutritional IV Therapy and Weight Loss.  He has also been a member of the American Associates of Integrative Medicine since 2009 
