Benefits of IV Vitamin C Therapy

By Dr. Sam Jonuzi

Did you know that Vitamin C …

Is required for your body to make serotonin and other neurotransmitters?

Is anti-inflammatory and a potent antioxidant?

Supports the immune system?

Helps in some neurological diseases?

In Naturopathic Medicine, IV therapy of Vitamin C is commonly used for cancer support treatment and a booster for chemotherapy fighting power.

What is high-dose vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a nutrient that humans must get from food or dietary supplements since it cannot be made in the body. It is an antioxidant, helps prevent oxidative stress, and plays a key role in making collagen.

When taken by intravenous (IV) infusion, Vitamin C can reach much higher levels in the blood than when it is taken by mouth. Studies suggest that these higher levels of Vitamin C may cause the death of cancer cells in the laboratory. High-dose Vitamin C has been studied as a treatment for patients with cancer since the 1970s. Surveys of healthcare practitioners at United States CAM conferences in recent years have shown that high-dose IV vitamin C is frequently given to patients as a treatment for infections, fatigue, and all types of cancers.

Most important of all is to know that large doses of intravenous Vitamin C have the potential to boost chemotherapy’s ability to kill cancer cells, according to new laboratory research involving human cells and mice. Most organisms make their own Vitamin C. When they are under stress, either by illness or injury, Mother Nature has provided them with a means to facilitate healing; they synthesize more ascorbic acid. As a result, they are in less pain, they remain active, they can sleep, and they have a better appetite; all being functions that promote healing.

One unique protocol we use is the combination of Super Oxygen, Super Antioxidants and Super Nutrition that involves high dose of unique Vitamin C. (It is not commercial grade Vitamin C, which is mostly GMO corn.) It is Cassava Root Non-Corn Compounded formulation of Vitamin C derived from the root of the cassava (tapioca) plant. We recommend that people being treated for cancer should talk with their oncologist before taking high dosages of Vitamin C or other antioxidant supplements.

As latest research shows, IV Vitamin C Boosts Chemo’s Cancer-Fighting Power. I believe that intravenous doses of Vitamin C are extremely beneficial on many levels. We have done our homework and combined the best that nature has to offer and have seen results.

Sam Jonuzi a Naturopathic Doctor and certified Integrative Health Practitioner is a leading authority in Alternative Healthcare, especially Clinical Nutrition, Nutritional IV Therapy and Weight Loss.  He has also been a member of the American Associates of Integrative Medicine since 2009 
