Belhaven’s Blue and Gold Game Brings Out School Spirit

Let It Grow
By Tammy Thornton

Like a rite of passage, students from Belhaven Middle School in Linwood must wait until their “senior year” as eighth graders to participate in the beloved Blue and Gold Basketball Game. This year’s 22nd annual game took place on Thursday, November 18, right before the big Thanksgiving Holiday week. The event is always a fan-favorite, drawing support from both students and their families.

Eighth-graders and faculty were divided into two teams (blue and gold to represent their school colors) for a friendly game of full-court basketball, while friends and family cheered them on. Students started the game by playing each other, followed by squads of teachers and faculty taking their turn on the court. The real fun ensues when teachers and students are mixed together, and students compete with their favorite teachers as their teammates (or opponents). 

Students were able to see their teachers in a different light, watching them temporarily hanging up the textbooks and lacing up their Jordan’s. Staff strut their stuff on the court, attempting some bold moves often resulting in lots of laughs (and some sore muscles the next day). Even the school principal, Dr. Jennifer Luff, got in on the action as a player for Team Gold. All-star athletes from the school basketball team willingly passed to less experienced players in a show of sportsmanship and teamwork. The effort was rewarded with some daunting shots and surprise three- pointers, drawing lots of applause from the crowd. School spirit was evident as student spectators cheered on their fellow students and favorite teachers. They were surprised to see some of their slick moves and fancy footwork, not always evident in the classroom.

Though the event is usually held in the school’s gymnasium, this year’s game took place on the outdoor court. Fortunately, it was one of the warmest days of the month. Dr. Luff said, “This is a wonderful tradition at Belhaven and something our students look forward to every year. Eighth-grade students are excited to participate and the rest of our school community enjoys cheering their team and staff members on as they play. Prior to the game, we hold a draft during the pep rally where the eighth-grade students and participating staff find out their team assignment. This year we decided to play the game outdoors for COVID-19 related reasons. We were lucky to get a warm and beautiful fall day.”

The Gold Team celebrates their win.

In the end, Team Gold took home the coveted silver trophy this year, with a final score of 49-47.  But from the looks of the smiling faces, everyone won a good time filled with school spirit.

Tammy Thornton is a mom of four, a substitute teacher, and a Sunday school teacher.  She is passionate about gardening and cooking, and loves the beach.
