Automobiles in the Mid-Fifties

A Look Back at Ocean City
By Fred Miller

Sixty-five years ago this month was an exciting time at the ten Ocean City automobile dealerships. It was the new model introduction season and people from all over South Jersey flocked to Ocean City showrooms to check out the new and improved automobiles.

The new car advertisements were loaded with pictures showing how different the 1956 automobiles were compared to the previous year. It was hoped the car buyers would feel dissatisfied with their old car and head to the auto showrooms to buy a new one. The beautiful advertisements in the local newspapers reveal creative copy.


Druck Motor Company, 1158 Asbury Avenue: “Cadillac—Beyond the Realm of Argument! This is the season when conversations turn easily and often to motor cars. And, in almost any gathering, you’re likely to find a wide difference of opinion about the relative merits of the year’s automobile offerings. Until the talk turns to Cadillac!”

Ocean City Motors, 14-16-18 Atlantic Avenue: “For ’56 choose FORD…America’s Favorite Station Wagon! With Thunderbird Y-8 power…Thunderbird styling…and exclusive new Lifeguard Design.”

Garden Motors, 220 Wesley Avenue: “For 1956—THE BIG MERCURY…LOOKS BIG…FEELS BIG…ACTS BIG…IS BIG! THE BIG BUY FOR 1956.”

Palmer Chevrolet and Oldsmobile, 1117 Asbury Avenue: “The hottest features for ’56 are in the new Chevrolet. Chevrolet never has it so good for you before…and no other car in its field even comes close.”

Wallace Brothers, 9th Street and Simpson Avenue: “New Sweep-ahead styling; New Sizzle to match. What you see pictured here is Buick for 1956—and from the gleam of that “V” grille to the sassy slant of the tail fins, you can see it has no equal for gorgeous good looks.”

Branin and Konschak, 930 Asbury Avenue: “New ’56 Dodge Coronel Invades Low-Price Field! Come share the rewards of the great Dodge success! Here’s the only full-size, full-style, full-fashion KING SIZE CAR to invade the low-price field with a full line of body styles!”

Bishop Motor Sales, 12th Street and Asbury Avenue: “HERE TODAY! America’s Finest Medium-Priced Car. The New 1956 Clipper built by Packard craftmen. Now with famous TORSION-LEV!EL RIDE!”

Roy A. Mengel and Son, 112 Central Avenue: “It’s Clear tne Deck Time at your STUDEBAKER DEALER! Astounding low price on all models! Best deals in town! Highest trade-ins ever! Special financing! Greatest new car values ever offered!” 



H. C. Amos, 34th Street and West Avenue: “American Motors presents the all-new, the most exciting, all-new car to hit the market in the last 17 years. THE ALL-AMERICAN ’56 RAMBLER.”

Sixty-five years later, the ten Ocean City car dealers are gone along with the excitement of new model introduction season.
