A Memorial Weekend To Remember

Letter from the editor

What a difference a year makes! As we kick off the Summer of 2021, I can’t help but reflect back on how far we have come. Only one year ago we were in the trenches of our battle against Covid-19, the invisible pathogen that radically changed our lives. There were no vaccines. Masks were mandated and restrictions overwhelmed our everyday lives.  The future had never felt so uncertain.

Now, as we enter Memorial Day weekend 2021, vaccines are plentiful, and all restrictions are lifted. We made it folks! The Jersey Shore, you know and love, is back at 100% and ready for the best summer ever!

This summer, the beach concerts will sound sweeter, the boardwalk crowds and smells of our favorite foods will be more delightful as we take it all in. There is a new appreciation for gathering with a group of friends at a coffee shop or simply sitting in your favorite restaurant or bar. Many of us will never again take for granted the simplest, yet most meaningful things in life, like a hug.

There is no doubt that Memorial Day is an exciting time for South Jersey, but we must never forget what Memorial Day is really about. It is a time for us to pause and remember all the men and women who sacrificed their lives while serving, defending and protecting our country in the United States Armed Forces.   Check out all the Memorial Day services and events to commemorate this special day on page 4.

From our sandy shores to our back bay marshes to our pinelands, there is something for everyone to enjoy outside.  Now we can enjoy the great indoors, as well. Most importantly, we can enjoy it together again.

Happy Memorial Day & God Bless America!

Peace & Love,
