A Home is More Than a House

Note from the editor

“Home” is one word that encompasses so much. Home is a haven, a refuge, a feeling. It is so much more than a physical space. It is where we belong. Whether we are with our spouse, our children or fur baby or enjoying being alone, home is where we feel 100% accepted and comfortable.

The physical aspect of the home varies throughout different lifestyles, cultures, and life experiences. But for each of you, I hope that whatever the physical space looks like, that the feeling you experience while you’re there is one of comfort, safety, and acceptance.

I feel fortunate because my home has all of those attributes. However, it is now approaching 20 years old and needs A LOT of work from the structure of the house to the appliances. With so much work needed, we’ve considered cutting our losses and moving.

“Maybe closer to the beach would be nice,” I’ve  wondered out loud. As I watch my big dogs that absolutely love my pool and fenced in yard with so much room to play, I begin to doubt that thought process. We bought the house in 2005 at the height of the market and to be honest, I am not even sure it’s worth more than we owe.

Of course, the other factor is my adult son who lives with autism and would feel anxious about relocating. I also have two adult daughters who grew up here and this home holds so many cherished memories.

Needless to say, moving closer to the beach remains a daydream and we will roll up our sleeves and begin one by one, the much needed renovations.

If you are in a similar situation or just want to improve your space, check out the Home Improvement Special section within this issue of Shore Local Newsmagazine. As we renovate and replace worn out systems to restore our home, these experts in the field offer much needed advice and services.

Fall Decor is so beautiful! I love seeing the colorful mums, cornstalks and scarecrows placed carefully in yards and on porches. There is something exciting about the change of seasons that always lifts my spirits. Before we know it, the leaves will begin changing colors and there will a new chill in the night air.

Many of the yearly Fall Fun venues are up and running, like Terror in the Junkyard and R & J Farms. Both offer family fun for all ages.

Check out all the fun events happening in our area in this issue of Shore Local.

Shore Local is happy to welcome back columnist Jeff Whitaker from his well deserved summer hiatus.

We are also excited to welcome Glory Days’ Dave O’Sullivan who will be writing high school sports features in Shore Local Newsmagazine and online.

Thank you for picking up this issue of Shore Local Newsmagazine. We want to know what you enjoy in Shore Local and how we can improve it. Please email us at shorelocalnews@gmail.com

Happy Fall Y’all.

Peace & Love,
