5 People, Places and Things That Got Me Through The Lock Down

The Light with Raymond Tyler

As I am writing this New Jersey seems to be in the green with most of the things people enjoy coming back in some form or fashion.

For me DJing can’t come back soon enough or being able to hug people I care about.

However, going back to March (which is the last time I have touched another human being) when they announced that everything except air and Wal-Mart causes Covid 19, I was not doing well with that news.

I am a social person and I miss dancing and not talking to my friends via a little box on zoom.

There were however some great breakthroughs I had, some great people I met and some great things I learned.

Next week I will go back into the trenches of

Covid-19 reporting but today , once more a little fun.

Here are 5 People, Places and Things that kept me from going crazier than I was, during the lockdown.

5. DJ Fah D and Marc Asbury – There were other DJ’s in the area that were also online and on facebook sharing their talents for free. Fah D, and Marc Asbury were on the most, had the most fun and seemed to be the most successful dodging Facebook and instagram shut downs of music mixes. Shout out to all the DJ’s that played for their fans including Mike Black, Nino Brown, Just Shawn, Thadd G, Ahmad Khan, and Do It All. Fah D and Marc Asbury drew and still draw almost 1000 viewers or more per performance.  We all are a close knit family and it was good to see us support each other. I was proud to see DJ’s share other DJ’s parties.

The DJ Family still has a rough road ahead as we have no positive indications that we will ever be able to practice the craft we love it, playing directly for the fans. I hope we do, but at this time it does not look good.

4. Zoom – Number 4, probably should have been number one to me. Thanks to Zoom, I was able to stay in touch with friends from SJ to Philly. Zoom also helped me produce virtual events that made me feel almost as good as being there. The bad news with Zoom no hugs…the good news no gas or toll money needed. Zoom is a tool I will be using until the transporter beam is invented and perfected. Zoom has been a tool that helped me conduct interviews and host a most dinner party series called Soul In The City!

3. Larry Lee – Larry Lee is a childhood friend who kept me from just ignoring everything and  kept me focused on the safety of my family. Lee helped me refit my studio so that I could do more broadcasting and podcasting online from home. Anytime I need a friend and some level support Larry Lee was there. I think I would have ran away from home if he was not available by phone.

2. Cheryl Sellers

Cheryl Sellers is my business manager and has had to calm me on average about 2 days a week. In March she had to calm me down every day. I don’t know what everyone that did not have a business manager did but I am so glad to have had mine. I am still glad she’s present.

1. Wal-Mart Without a doubt Wal-Mart and Target were the only places where one could go to see live people. There were days I would just sit in the parking lot. There were times someone would recognize me in my mask and we would talk for 20 minutes. Wal-Mart is one of the only places where I know I will be able to see people and socialize in any way (if you call buying food you used to shun for good health being social.)

So I know that this pandemic is not over. I do however, understand why people flock to various activities as soon as they open. It’s because despite our faults we are social creatures. So as we move forward, do what you feel is safe. Consider the safety of others and be compassionate. I am still praying for people that cannot come outside and do not have computer access…in fact, I am praying for us all.

You can connect with Raymond Tyler via Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Instagram @RaymondTyler2018.
