Who’s on Your Team

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Jeff’s Journal
By Jeff Whitaker

As you and I head into the fall and the last quarter of 2022, we need to ask ourselves some important questions. What Is My Dream? Who Is On My Team?

Maurice Wilson was one of many who tried to climb Mount Everest. But he had only three half hearted companions. They couldn’t cut it. And that made all the difference. Who do you have on your team? A great dream with a bad team is nothing more than a nightmare. What should your dream team look like? Your team must be the size of your dream. If you want to climb a Mount Everest, you need a Mount Everest-sized team. It could be actually working with you or even just encouraging you and helping to motivate you along the way. Either way, we all need others on this journey if we are going to achieve any thing worthwhile and significant. While these questions can apply to your professional life for those of you in leadership or running a business, they are just as applicable in our personal lives. We all know none of us can successfully navigate through this life on our own.

All of this leads me to the power of mentorship. As you and I grow and as we travel this journey professionally and personally, just as the Law of Mount Everest teaches about the power of a team it’s important to point out that a big part of that team is having someone you can trust who can mentor you along your journey. Now mentorship can take on a lot of different forms. During my lifetime I’ve been mentored by people I’ve never even met. Some of those mentors are not even living any longer. Let me explain. Some of the greatest minds, wisest individuals and those with the greatest insight have lived before me and left a treasure trove of wisdom in books, articles, and periodicals. From autobiographies to biographies, there is so much we can all learn from those who’ve gone before us. Then there are those who we know or can connect with through others we know and if you and I ask, many are more than willing to sit down and mentor us. They can help us avoid some of the pitfalls they experienced during life, let us know what’s worked for them, and what hasn’t. We can also hire mentors who will work one on one with us or coach us along the way. The important part of what I’m trying to get across is that you and I don’t have to reinvent something or rediscover something that has already been done before. Find someone who can teach you what they’ve learned, coach you through circumstances you are going through by asking questions that will help you discover new doors of opportunity and levels of awareness. The power of mentorship can literally change your life direction. Find a mentor. Make a commitment to grow. Do it today. And let’s go out and make a difference.

Jeff Whitaker is a veteran broadcaster here in South Jersey. He now draws on his experience and training to work with companies and individuals to develop effective storytelling, communications and leadership skills. Find free resources and ways Jeff can work with you at jeffwhitaker.com
