Letter from the editor 

Do you remember the “The Love Boat?” It was a popular TV show in the  late 70’s and 80s? My favorite character was Julie, the cruise director. I wanted to be her when I grew up. The TV series revolved around the crew and passengers onboard The Looove Boat and their romantic and funny adventures. An interesting fact, Mama Mia’s owner and Shore Local contributor, Joe Massaglia actually worked on the Pacific Princess cruise ship and met his beautiful wife, Christine there. Now that’s a love story for the ages!

My parents also have an epic love story. From seventeen-year-olds in a roller-skating rink to now in their 80’s, they are each other’s best friend. They have been married 64 years now, with three children, ten grandchildren and one great granddaughter. What an example of enduring commitment, compassion, and kindness towards one another.

With Valentine’s Day around the corner, romantic love is center stage this month. However, that is only one of many forms of love.

Love in its purest form can often be seen in families. You can see it in the eyes of a new mother or in the protectiveness of a dad. It is evident in the mom who waits up for her teen to get home safe or the one who anxiously waits for a call to know their son or daughter arrived at their destination safely when they take the wheel for the first time.   It is there as our parents age and we are there for them, regardless of what was on the schedule.

One thing I learned about love is that it commands action. It is not an emotion wrapped in pretty words or something that magically happens to us as in fairytales. In Hollywood and romance novels, love is often portrayed as a feeling or a state of being to be lost or found. I believe instead it is the thousands of little words and actions that we take, acting on a decision to love or not to love. Those little things over time can create or destroy that feeling. Love is in the smiles, phone calls, knowing looks and little, repetitive acts of kindness. Love is active and intentional.

Love is also the icing on the cake. It makes life better, more joyful.  Human connection means so much. This year has been extraordinarily difficult for many because of the isolation felt from the pandemic. Whomever is in your “bubble,” love them a little extra because this year has been tough on us all! If you know someone who is single or living alone, a phone call or video chat can mean a lot to them.

Whatever the love in your life looks like this Valentine’s Day, embrace it, celebrate it and act on it.

Peace & Love,
