Whats Your “Why” to Exercise?

Shore Fit
By Bonnie Miller

I’m sure we can all list at least ten reasons why we should workout.  What I really want to know is why you want to exercise on a regular basis? What’s driving you? There are two types of motivational forces and they are intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. What’s the difference between the two driving forces that motivates us to exercise?

Intrinsic motivation is internal and drives someone to workout for his or her own satisfaction or fulfillment. It’s a relationship that someone has with a workout regimen or routine. A person who is intrinsically motivated, loves to feel the burn or fatigue from actually doing it. This type of person  enjoys working out and gets the benefit of those endorphins, that “runners high.”

 I’m going to recommend reading the next sentence and repeating it until it sticks. Motivation is an internal process that directs us in a way towards a goal. It moves us to get there.  We all have goals and of course want to achieve them. The intrinsically motivated will crush their goals and never stop going. Goals can vary such as, to get stronger, to get off Cholesterol medication or to lose weight after having your little bundle of joy.

Let’s delve into extrinsic motivation. I don’t particularly care for this type because it can be very situational and not long term.  Extrinsic motivation is external.  External motivators could be prize money for a weight loss contest or recognition from a significant other. The reward is the motivator and not the task itself of working out. I’ve heard this a lot over the years, “I have a wedding to get ready for or I need to be bathing suit ready because summer is around the corner.” These are extrinsic motivators. But what happens when summer is over?

We all know that we need to exercise but actually doing it, is a whole other story. It takes some serious discipline and internal yearning to get up and make it happen. I, myself have struggled with being consistent because if we are honest, life can throw us some major curve balls and throw us off track.

It’s what you do to get back on it that matters most. Get up, brush yourself off and crush it! Fitness is a journey so don’t be too hard on yourself if you’ve gotten off track. Cut yourself some slack. Is that little voice in your head reminding you to get back to it?  In our current situation, COVID-19, there have been many reasons or excuses that we could have used. Our gyms are closed. If there’s ever been a more crucial time to exercise, it’s now. Our mental and physical health need it and our immune systems become so much richer because of it.  If you rely on a gym or fitness center then you’ve had to get really creative with a whole new game plan for your  workouts. I love (not really) the excuse of not having the energy to workout. Did you know that exercising regularly increases your energy levels?

My advice as a whole would be to individually identify your current exercise motivators. Just think about what drives you to do it. Is it health and wellness (intrinsic) or a Caribbean vacation your planning and you want to rock a bikini body? 

Mindset is everything and if you’re having trouble adhering to your exercise routine, then there is a disconnect that needs to be identified. That little voice in your head can either motivate you or sabotage you. Working out is so beneficial for so many reasons. Find your why, write it down and believe in yourself. You are more than capable of achieving your goals.

Bonnie Miller is certified fitness instructor at the Ocean City Aquatic and Fitness Center and the JCC in Margate. She is a mom of three and resides Somers Point.
