Ventnor residents plan to restore 100-year-old fountain

By Steffen Klenk

The City of Ventnor is steeped in a rich and vibrant history. Since its incorporation on March 17, 1903, the seaside resort has not only seen its fair share of guests, but plenty of stories to go along with it. Now, one group of area residents are joining together in a collective effort to restore one of the town’s iconic landmarks.

Sitting along the Intracoastal Waterway, at the corner of Cornwall and Winchester avenues is the Ventnor Municipal Works building. Adorning the front entrance is a revival concrete fountain dating back to 1923. A nod to the Ventnor Public Water Works, the fountain was built by Joseph L. Sweigard & Co. Based out of Philadelphia, a group that designed and consulted artesian waterworks throughout the region.

Over a period of five years, community members have come together with the idea of reviving this beautifully crafted structure. One of those residents is Dawn Burke Sena, president of Ventnor Fountain Friends (VFF), a grassroots 501c3 organization tasked with raising the necessary funding to rebuild this piece of art. “It’s a beautiful piece,” Sena says, “but it has been neglected over the last fifty to sixty years and has not been kept in working condition.”

In its initial phase, the group met with city leaders to discuss their ideas. Then, the project was put on the backburner during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was during this hiatus that Sena continued to spread the word about her efforts and her excitement about the idea. “I don’t stop talking about it; it’s a passion for me.”

Now, three years later, with a sense of renewed excitement throughout the city, the Ventnor Fountain Friends have revived their efforts to make this project a reality. VFF has recently entered into a partnership with the city to raise necessary funding to rebuild the fountain. The organization is also partnering with local sculptor Jim Dessicino to rebuild and refabricate the monument.

Ladies in front of Fountain. Photo courtesy of Ventnor Fountain Friends

The project has received interest from SOSH Architects, who have created an official rendering of what the fountain would look like upon completion. And while this is thrilling news for the neighborhood and its residents, Sena stresses that it is a significant undertaking and that the rebuilding will take some time as tweaks are made. “One hundred years later, we’re dealing with new materials, but we’re still dealing with the same location at the same scale.”

With over a century of history and plenty of stories to tell, the Ventnor Fountain Friends are passionate about this. Its core group consists of Vice President Tina LoBiondo, Treasurer Barbara Sullivan, and Secretary Dave Rumsey. Collectively, the Fabulous Fountain Four are also working to bring the property back to its glory.

The plans also call for improved lighting, landscaping, and ADA compliant access. One of the most important aspects of this undertaking is to preserve the fountain, and surrounding green space, for future generations to enjoy. “It will, once again, be spectacular and a centerpiece.”

The Ventnor Fountain Friends will make several appearances at various community events, including the Ventnor City Farmers Market on Friday, July 14, and Aug. 11, providing residents and visitors with information. Fundraising events are also slated to begin in the coming months. Those interested in learning about the cause, making a donation, or volunteering, may visit

Steffen Klenk is a photographer and multimedia journalist who enjoys capturing the eclectic moments of shore life. You may contact Steffen at
