Updating Your Life’s GPS

Jeff’s Journal
By Jeff Whitaker

From the day we are born until we take our last breath, we are all in the process of learning. I know that for most of us, our schooling officially ends with high school, college, or graduate school. However, the reality is that every day we continue to learn whether we are conscious of it or not. 

I remember back in the day, my wife and I bought a GPS for our family car.  I was fascinated by the fact that I could key in a destination and within minutes my GPS could tell me not only the best route to take to get where I wanted to go, but also when I would arrive down to the minute. It was always spot on. The funny thing is as a year or two passed, I realized that some of the destinations or information I gave the GPS turned up as “not found.” Other times, I’d be sent down roads that no longer existed. Then it hit me. I had never updated my GPS software. The information was available to me, but I had failed to access and take advantage of the updated information.

In the case of the GPS, the company website gave instructions on where to go to download updated software. Of course, however, they wanted you to make an “investment.” There was a cost involved.

Much like my GPS mishap, we all need to know where to go to get the information we need to adjust our life journey. Personally, I find that information by reading the Bible along with prayer. I also seek wisdom from others who’ve already traveled the road I’m traveling. However, it too requires an “investment.” I needed to invest my time and commit to these practices.  

Back in the day, we had to update our GPS to get where we wanted to go on time. With Smartphones, that’s all changed now. The GPS is automatically built-in. However, the phone software still has to update.

It’s the same in life. Goals and ambitions are great. In fact, they are essential to success in just about every area of life. However, just as today our phone GPS reminds us when we get off course, every so often we have to listen to the voice inside that tells us to recalculate. 

So how do you know if you’re off course? If your inner GPS is just sitting around collecting metaphorical dust, I guess you’ll never know. The point is, you have to be headed somewhere and taking advantage of the GPS to know if you need a course adjustment.  My advice is to get up, get your life in gear and start moving in a direction. Once you start down life’s highway, you’ll know soon enough if you’re in need of a recalculation. 
