Tiny Steps Produce Massive Results

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Jeff’s Journal
By Jeff Whitaker

As we head out of February (hard to believe) and headstrong into March, if we are honest, many of the goals and New Year’s resolutions we set at the beginning of the year are already abandoned.  We’ve moved on.  I’m not trying to give myself a pass but having just come off of a serious Covid bout and still recovering, for me the first several weeks of 2022 were anything but productive when it came to chasing goals.  If the truth is told, as I slowly return to a “normal” life, I’m just getting started on the year from a goal/plan of attack mission. 

One thing my downtime in the hospital and recovery has afforded me is the time to read more often.  As I’ve looked into what I want to accomplish in 2022, I’ve discovered some aspects of goal setting and achieving that I think might help you as well.

In his book Atomic Habits, James Clear talks about goals. More importantly, he addresses the role that habits play in achieving goals.  He says that setting goals are good, but developing good and productive habits is what leads to seeing our goals accomplished.  The premise is that without positive habit change and development, any goals we achieve will only be temporary if we achieve them at all. 

If you’re like me,  throughout your life you’ve developed bad habits that constantly become roadblocks to achieving what you want in any given area.  Here is the good news.  The bad habits can be addressed, destroyed and good habits developed to replace them.  The good news is that we aren’t talking about monumental changes in your life. 

Like a tiny atom, tiny habits over time can affect major changes in your life.  You and I don’t have to become overwhelmed to the point of discouragement.  Tackling tiny changes (over time) will lead to major changes.  It makes sense if you stop and think about it.  The habits that make up our day to a large extent determine where our day takes us.  From our morning routine to our health-related habits, eating habits, discipline, financial habits, how we address our relationships, they all make up who we are.  If we find ourselves setting goals that go against the habits that determine how we live out our day, we  won’t reach our goals.

If you’ve found yourself hitting a roadblock when it comes to getting where you want to go, you might want to pick up Clear’s book and read more about his research on ways to develop positive habits.  I’m finding this new way of thinking has helped me a lot.  Until next time, go out and make a difference.

Jeff Whitaker is a veteran broadcaster here in South Jersey. He now draws on his experience and training to work with companies and individuals to develop effective storytelling, communications and leadership skills. Find free resources and ways Jeff can work with you at www.jeffwhitaker.com
