The Protein Lectin in our Body

The Protein Lectin in our Body

By Nancy Adler

Some plant-based foods, such as beans and legumes, whole grains, and certain vegetables contain a high amount of lectins.

Lectins are a type of protein that, in humans, may help cells interact  one another. Some scientists also believe that lectins provide a form of defense in plants to keep insects away. These proteins also contain nitrogen, which is needed for plants to grow. While many parts of plants contain lectins, the seed is the part that people eat most often.

Lectins may impact health in multiple ways, ranging from digestion to chronic disease risk. They have been shown to cause red blood cells to cluster together. They are categorized as antinutrients since they block the absorption of some nutrients.

Lectins may cause upset stomach  when plant foods are eaten uncooked. They are also the reason why it can be dangerous to eat undercooked legumes. The lectin in red kidney beans is called phytohaemagglutinin. It is responsible for red kidney bean poisoning, which results from eating raw or undercooked kidney beans. According to the FDA , consuming just four raw kidney beans could cause symptoms including severe nausea, vomiting, and Diarrhea .

Cooking methods that use moist heat are helpful for decreasing the number of lectins in plants. Cooking also breaks down some plant starch into simpler carbohydrate. Lectins like to attach to carbohydrates and are removed from the body before they cause negative effects.

Slow cookers are not recommended for preparing kidney beans because the temperature is not high enough to eliminate lectins. Ways to decrease lectins in foods include:

  • boiling
  • fermentation
  • sprouting
  • peeling
  • deseeding
  • pressure cooking

While lectins have some undesirable effects, they also have some positive ones. Small amounts of lectins may help the good bacteria that live in human digestive systems.Research suggests that lectins may be useful for helping to identify and diagnose cancer . Lectins are also being studied for their potential to slow down the rate that cancer  cells multiply.Researchers are even looking at lectins as potential treatments for illnesses caused by bacteria, fungi, and viruses .

It is said, lectins are harmful and cause inflammation. Long-term inflammation is linked to many serious medical conditions, including heart disease , cancer, and depression

Following a lectin-free diet could be a way to lower inflammation in the body. However, more research in humans is needed before the effect can be confirmed.Thoughts are also that lectins may make it easier for bacteria or other toxins to cross the gut barrier. However, they also state that whole grains contain antioxidants , which help fight inflammation. This factor could make up for lectin’s potentially harmful effects.

The lectin-free diet is a restrictive plan, which may make it difficult for some people to follow it long-term. The plan also limits or cuts out many nutritious foods, such as whole grains, beans, and certain vegetables.Keep in mind, consuming whole grains can help reduce the risk for heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.

Fruits and vegetables also have many associated health benefits. Eating more fruits and vegetables may lower the risk for multiple conditions, including heart and lung diseases. They may also impact cancer risk and help people avoid gaining weight.

A lectin-free diet may be difficult for vegetarians or vegans to follow, since legumes, nuts, seeds, and whole grains provide plant-based protein.Legumes, whole grains, and fruit and vegetable peels also provide dietary fiber. A lectin-free diet could result in constipation  if dietary fiber intake decreases.Also, following a lectin-free diet may be expensive, as the plan recommends specialty milks, pasture-raised meats, and expensive supplements.

Foods to eat pasture-raised meats A2 milk cooked sweet potatoes leafy, green vegetables cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts asparagus garlic and onion  celery mushrooms avocado olives or extra virgin olive oil.

Foods to avoid legumes, such as beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts squash nightshade vegetables, such as eggplant, peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes fruit, in moderation  grains If grains are consumed, the plan recommends products made from white flour instead of wheat.corn meat from corn-fed animals

 I have to say , where lectins may cause some damage, there is strong research to support the benefits of eating plant foods.

Many plants are high in lectins, but lectin levels can differ significantly between plant types. There are also many kinds of lectins, and some seem to be beneficial.It is also important to be aware that much of the research on lectins has been via animal or test- tube studies. Furthermore, many studies have looked at single lectins instead of the foods that contain them.

I think research is needed before following a lectin-free diet can be recommended. At this time I’m on board that it seems to be more of a trend than a plan backed by science. But it is something to think about.

Nancy Adler is a certified nutritionist and practitioner in Linwood. Her office is located in Cornerstone Commerce Center, 1201 New Rd. Learn about her practice at w (609)653-4900

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