The Power of The Purge

The Power of The Purge

By Jeff Whitaker

Do you ever get the urge to purge?  I do  and if you’re looking for an excuse, there is no better week to act on your impulse.  May 17th is National Pack Rat Day.  I’m not sure who came up with the designation or why, but nonetheless someone somewhere has made the declaration.  Most of the time, becoming a pack rat isn’t something anyone sets out to accomplish.  It usually starts small.  When I think of the term, it doesn’t foster great thoughts and  when a pack rat turns into a hoarder that’s even worse. When I think of a hoarder, I think of a problem much worse.  If you’ve ever watched the reality shows that spotlight extreme cases, it can literally be seen as a sickness that too often requires serious intervention.

Whether you consider yourself a hoarder, a pack rat or just someone who needs to de-clutter, I offer this motivation.  First of all, because it’s National Pack Rat Day there’s motivation enough to purge.  Second, it’s still Springtime and that means a time of new beginnings and rebirth.  Consider a purge and the power it has to give you a fresh outlook on things.

When I think of purge, I instinctively thing of a physical act. I think of going through papers, old clothes I no longer wear or worse yet no longer fit.  I think of a physical clean out of any kind.  But there are at least two other types of purge that are beneficial as well.

The first is a mental purge.  I’ve written in the past about the importance of having a positive mindset. Mindset plays a crucial role in our success.  Making a practice of a daily purge in the area of mindset can make all the difference in the world when it comes to our career as well as personal relationships.  Out with the “stinking thinking” and in with the positive and affirming.

The second is a relational purge.  Those we spend time with the most need to be people who have a positive impact.  I’m not saying that we need to cut off everyone else. But I am saying that those closest to us need to be role models and people who lift us up, not bring us down. Truth is, you might have to make a people purge.

Whatever area of your life you need to examine, consider making a purge.  You’ll be better off for it. 

Jeff Whitaker is a lifelong communicator and storyteller. He is a certified trainer, coach and speaker with The John Maxwell Team. Jeff’s goal is to encourage excellence in individuals and corporations through leadership and communications training. Connect with him at, through The Jeff Whitaker Company on Facebook or @jeffwhitaker on Twitter.
