The most wonderful time of the year

The most wonderful time of the year

From the Editor

The best thing about the holidays for many families are the traditions. In our family, one of our yearly traditions is to skip the Black Friday shopping and instead, break out the Christmas decorations. Every year, as Thanksgiving ends, red and green ornaments and decorations begin to emerge from their year long storage. While I do love this tradition with my family, it is also one of the most overwhelming days of the year for me. The volume of boxes, the greenery, tangled lights, ornaments, and more cause a feeling of chaos for me. Suddenly, everything is out of place and my desire for simplicity and order in my home feels uprooted.

Now it’s four days later and as I write this, the basics are done. The tree is up and the stockings are hung by the chimney with care. There are still boxes thrown about the dining room and I can’t even begin to find my dining room table under the miscellaneous decorations waiting to find their seasonal place in my home.

This season, while intended to be enjoyable in many ways, can often prove to be stressful. Decorations are just the beginning! We own a business that takes up a lot of our time and of course, there are work gatherings, holiday parties, baking, shopping, and wrapping to be done. Can there be too much of a good thing? I mean, like I said – I DO love Christmas! So why must it be so stressful to “get it all done?”

This year I’ve decided that yes, there actually can be too much of a good thing and for the well being of my family and my sanity, I’m going to reign things in a bit. This year, I’m going to do holidays on my own terms. I’ve come up with five strategies for maintaining my joy this Christmas season.

1: Let go of the need to keep up with the Christmas decoration “Joneses” so to speak. The decorations do not have to be perfect and what my neighbor is doing has nothing to do with my own holiday joy. Comparison is the thief of joy and realistically, none of us live like the Hallmark Channel families. I am reminding myself and reminding you that social media is a highlight reel. What you see from your friends is a mere snapshot of their reality so do not spend time comparing their Facebook lives to your real life. We all are a little messy and we all just want to experience the joy of the season in whatever way works for our family.

2: Don’t overschedule. I am so guilty of saying “yes” to everything and booking my calendar so thick that when all is said and done, I am exhausted with nothing left for my family. It’s hard to say no! Everything sounds so good especially during the holidays but from my experience, I know that when I am overscheduled and overly exhausted, I am grouchy and I can not serve anybody with the best of myself.

3: Don’t over decorate. Do you remember National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? I have had so many lights strung in my house that it reminds me of that scene in the movie when the little girl asks, “Is your house on fire?” and they reply, “No Aunt Betty, that’s just my Christmas lights.” I don’t need all of that. Simplicity is key! Plus, when all is said and done, it’s less to take down.

4: Don’t overspend. One thoughtful gift is worth more than a pile of generic ones. Go simple and go local. Find a friend that makes jewelry or sells candles, essential oils, books, etc and spend your money there. That’s what I intend to do – gift to my family by supporting my friends this season. Everybody wins!

5: Preserve the simple pleasures. Looking at the Christmas tree after the sun goes down, baking together, family trips around town to look at the lights. All of the small things are the memories that count. These are the moments you will remember for a lifetime when everything else begins to fade away.

Join us in our commitment to truly enjoy the magic and the joy of this holiday season.

Peace & Love, Cindy
