The most amazing thing I learned about The Amazing Kreskin

By Matt Bridgestone
AC Jokes

My childhood came at a time before cable TV and remote controls. With fewer options, networks had the luxury of showcasing only the most talented performers.

No show had a bigger impact than “The Tonight Show” with Johnny Carson. If you were lucky enough to be booked, you had a great chance of waking up the next day a star. Two or three appearances meant that you were a household name.

Born and raised in New Jersey, the world’s most famous mentalist, “The Amazing Keskin” had an eye-popping 61 appearances. He was the inspiration for Carson’s most famous character “Carnac the Magnificent.”

Keskin’s passion for performing has had him in front of audiences ranging from proms, to shows in front of presidents and royalty.

When I had the chance to meet him, people asked, “What stood out as the most amazing thing he did?” Was it when he read people’s minds? Was it his ability to guess how much change people had in their pockets? Was it his famous closing demonstration where his check for the show is hidden and if he can’t find it he refuses to be paid?

Well, all those things were certainly amazing. But the thing I found to be the most amazing is how incredibly hard he shakes your hand. Well into his 80s, Keskin has a grip that will blow your mind.

I later discovered that he is known for this, and has crushed the hands of stars such as Tom Hanks and Jim Carrey. You can come shake that hand yourself, as he will be doing a meet and greet after his shows at Resorts Casino on May 20 and May 27 at 5 p.m.

To be amazed, grab tickets by looking up those dates at
