The Gift of Ourselves

The Gift of Ourselves

By Cindy Fertsch

It is gift giving season and if you’re anything like me, you probably wrestle with finding the perfect gift for those tough to buy for loved ones. As children, we live for the holidays when we receive gifts but as adults, the tables seem to turn and giving becomes the thrill of the season. Gift giving is our opportunity to really show someone how much they mean to us but it never does seem to be enough.

Recently, I had the opportunity to witness something really cool in our community that helped me see clearly what the perfect gift actually was – the gift if time.

My “aha” moment took place while I was at Ninja Martial Arts Studio in Ventnor. They offer free special needs classes to families who otherwise may not have the opportunity to have their child participate in martial arts.

Sensei and owner, Ryan Perkins teaches the class in 4 week sessions to a group of approximately 12 special needs students. The level of encouragement and positivity that Ryan gives each and every student during the 45 minute class is truly remarkable. As I witnessed Ryan teach his class, it dawned on me – What greater gift could there be than undivided love and attention?! What greater gift is there than time itself?

The best gifts, I’m convinced,  are when we give of ourselves. Not the ones we buy, wrap and deliver.  Not even the gift cards. The gift of our time and skills are much more personal and meaningful.

We all have talents and skills that make us unique. Have you ever considered giving the gift of your time and skills this holiday season? It could be cooking a meal for someone or caring for their children so they can enjoy an evening out. Perhaps a painting, song, photo collage or a letter to someone special.

These types of gifts are special in more ways than one. These gifts are personal. They show  that you know and value the recipient’s likes and preferences. These types of gifts show that you are willing to give a piece of yourself in the form of your time and skills to somebody that you love. The willingness to devote your time and talents to show someone that you appreciate them holds exponentially more value than a gift card ever could.

Here are a few of my favorite gifts to both receive and give – all of which you cannot buy in a store:

Food:  Everyone loves a home cooked meal, a tray of cookies or baked bread. The simple act of not having to cook dinner one night of the week or a nice sweet treat for my family and I to enjoy together is such a blessing. If it blesses my life when I receive it, then giving it has to be that much sweeter!

Caregiver respite: As a caregiver, I know first hand that it can be a tiring labor of love. If you know someone who is a full time caregiver for an elderly or disabled loved one, giving them a break is one of the most invaluable gifts you can give them. Showing them that you care not only about them, but that you love the person that they care for is a gift of the heart that can not be put into words.

Services: The best gift I have ever received was a cleaning service for our house when the kids were young and I was feeling overwhelmed. I do not know a single mom out there who doesn’t struggle to keep the house clean at all times. The relief of knowing your house will be taken care of while you get a manicure or run errands is one of those gifts that will stand the test of time. The clean house will eventually clutter again but the memory of being shown love like that will last forever.

Your very own specialty. If you can play guitar then offer guitar lessons.  If you are an artist, give the gift of a personal painting or piece of art. If you teach martial arts offer a free class. There are so many opportunities to give of yourself this holiday season so get creative!

Keep in mind that giving does not have to be only for those we know and love. Serving your community at food banks or clothing drives, street clean ups or soup kitchens are some of the most amazing ways to GIVE this holiday season and year ‘round. A random act of kindness on any given day creates a ripple effect of good vibes and holiday cheer.

“Only by giving are you able to receive more than you already have.” – Jim Rohn
